DISPLAY ALARM HISTORY — If the controller is indicat- ing there are alarms, the user can view the alarm history by pressing the HIST button. The LID display will show “Alarm
History.” Press ENTER . The LID display will show the date
and type of alarm.
As an example, if the LID display shows: ALARM — 10:55
That display indicates that on
The user can view other stored alarms by pressing the up and down arrows. The
CONFIGURE CUSTOM PROGRAMMING SELEC- TIONS — To configure the custom programming selections, perform the following procedure:
1.Press 37 ALGO . The LID display will show: Custom Program
2.Press ENTER . The LID display will show: 2.0 Global Dictionary
3.Press ENTER . The display indicates “No Data.” Press CLEAR then press EXPN/EDIT . Press ENTER again. The LID display should now show:
Compressor Stages
4.Press 7 times. The display will show:
0 = RAT, 1 = MAT 2 = NONE
5.Press 2 then ENTER . The display will show:
0 = RAT, 1 = MAT 2 = NONE
6.If RAS is installed at EWT input, press 3 times. The display will show:
EWT Reset 0 = NO, 1 = YES
7.Press 1 then ENTER . The display will now show: EWT Reset 0 - NO, 1 = YES
8.Use the down and up arrows to select the other configura- tion parameters as required. See Table 24 for a list of con- figuration parameters.
Table 24 — Configuration Parameters
Compressor Stages | 2.00 |
Reset Ratio | 3.00 | dF | RSET_RTO |
CDWF 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
*ECON 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
EWT Reset 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
*MOD.VLV 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
*0=CONST.,1=VARIABLE | 0.00 |
0=RAT,1=MAT 2=NONE | 2.00 |
PHASE 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
*FREEZ 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
*ENABLE ECON. | 68.00 | dF | ECON_SET |
SPT 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
PRES 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
TWR 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
LWT 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
IAQ 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
IRH 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
BSP 0=NO,1=YES | 0.00 |
BSP Range | 1.00 | in. H2O | BSP_RNG |
*Not used.
SET CONTROLLER ADDRESS — To set the address of the Omnizone™ system control panel controller, perform the fol- lowing procedure:
1.Press 7 and then SRVC . Press ENTER and then EXPN/EDIT .
2.Type in the CCN element number and press ENTER .
3. | Press the | button. Type in the CCN bus number and |
| press ENTER . |
LOG OFF FROM CONTROLLER — To log off from the OMNIZONE system control panel controller Press 3 and then SET . The controller password will be displayed.
1. Press ENTER . The display should show:
Log in to Controller Logged in
If this is not displayed, Press EXPN/EDIT until it is dis- played.
2.Press the button. The LID display will show: Log out of Controller
Press 1. Press ENTER to log off.
Sequence of Operation (CV Only) — The follow- ing sequence applies to constant volume units only.
Cooling is initiated when the set point in the remote thermo- stat is not met (space temperature is higher than set point). The unit sequence of operation is as follows:
The 50BV units can be remotely authorized to be controlled by the thermostat through the optional energy management system relay (EMS). The coil is powered by the energy man- agement (building automation) system whose contacts are in series with the ‘R’
Contact closure at the ‘G’ terminal will provide power to the supply fan contactor, energizing the supply fan. The supply fan will be off during unoccupied schedule, depending upon the features of the thermostat used. The ‘O’ terminal energizes the reversing valve (heat pump units only). Typically ‘Y1’ will also be energized at this time for cooling operation. During the second stage of cooling, ‘Y2’ will be initialized after a mini- mum run time and after there is a differential from set point plus a deadband or a proportional plus integral calculation, which is based upon demand and the length of time space- temperature is greater than set point. Additional assurance is provided by a delay on make timer in the second stage com- pressor contactor circuit to avoid dual compressor
For 4 compressor units, a call for the first stage of cooling will turn on compressors 1 and 2. The second stage of cooling will turn on compressors 3 and 4.
Heating mode (heat pump models only) follows the same sequence as above except that the reversing valve is not energized.
WATER ECONOMIZER COOLING — The unit diverts condenser inlet waterflow through an optional economizer coil to precool evaporator entering airflow. If the entering water temperature is colder than the setting on the aquastat, and the
Economizer water flow is in series with the condensers allowing compressor operation while the economizer is operating.