These indexable carbide inserts can be rotated to | |
provide four factory sharp edges before replace- | |
ment. | |
| |
| |
Safety Glasses are essential to every shop. If |
you already have a pair, buy extras for visitors |
or employees. You can't be too careful when it |
comes to shop safety! |
H1300 |
| H1298 |
H2347 |
| H0736 |
Figure 42. Our most popular safety glasses.
Protect yourself comfortably with a pair of cush- ioned earmuffs. Especially important if you or employees operate for hours at a time.
Figure 44. H7319 Carbide Inserts.
Essential for planing, jointing, or sanding to criti- cal tolerances. These traditional dial calipers are accurate to 0.001" and can measure outside surfaces, inside surfaces, and heights/depths. Features stainless steel, shock resistant construc- tion and a dust proof display. An absolute treat for the perfectionist!