Correcting Outfeed Table to Cutterhead Parallelism
This procedure involves turning the table stop bolts to raise or lower the front of the tables until they are parallel with the cutterhead.
To correct outfeed table parallelism:
1.Loosen the lock nuts on both stop bolts shown in Figure 54 at the front of the table.
Lock Nuts
Stop Bolts
Figure 54. Outfeed table stop bolt and lock nut.
2.Raise the stop bolts just enough so the front edge of the table is higher than the cutterhead, then adjust each stop bolt a sixth of a turn clockwise to gradually lower the table.
3.Check the outfeed table height again (see Steps 3-5, Page 39).
4.Continue lowering the bolts and checking until the outfeed table height above the cutterhead is equal across the table.
Checking Infeed Table Parallelism
1.Follow all the steps for checking the outfeed table parallelism to first make sure that the outfeed table is parallel with the cutterhead.
2.Place the straightedge halfway across the infeed table and halfway over the outfeed table, and adjust the infeed table even with the outfeed table, as shown in Figure 55.
Figure 55. Infeed and outfeed tables set evenly.
—If a knife or insert touches the straightedge, turn the cutterhead so the knives do not interfere.
—If the cutterhead touches the straightedge, raise the outfeed table higher than the cutterhead.
3.Place the straightedge in the positions shown in Figure 56. In each position, the straight- edge should sit flat against both the outfeed table and the infeed table.