Tefal SW370310, SW370332 manual Choosing the cooking inserts, Cooking, To remove the inserts C D

Page 41

Tef-Snack 07-09 24/07/09 9:19 Page 41

Choosing the cooking inserts (*)

* * * *

• Depending on the model, you can use different sets of inserts.

To remove the inserts (C) (D) :

• Press the “EJECT” buttons located on the front of the upper and lower covers.

To refit the inserts (E) (F) :

Place the insert at an angle and press down to lock it in place.

The inserts used for making toasties, large and mini waffles and for grilling are not interchangeable.

Line up the mark 1 on the insert with the mark 1 on the cover, inside the appliance and the mark 2 on the other insert with the mark 2 on the other cover.

On first use, pour a little vegetable oil on the inserts. Wipe off with absorbant kitchen towel.

Always make sure that the appliance is cold and unplugged from the power outlet before changing the inserts.







Connection and pre-heating




Close the appliance. Plug the cord in the wall socket: the red light comes on (G).

During first use, the appliance may give off a slight odour and smoke. This is normal.


Allow the appliance to pre-heat, the green light comes on when the correct cooking temperature is reached (H).

Open the appliance (*).

For toasties: Place the bread or panini bread on the appropriate inserts, close the appliance and leave to cook as described in the chosen recipe (K) (L).

For waffles, mini waffles: Pour the waffle batter in and follow the instructions for the chosen recipe.

For grilling: Place the meat on the grill inserts, close the appliance and leave the meat to cook as described in the chosen recipe.

Do not touch the hot surfaces of the appliance: use the handles.

Depending on model, use the timer to control the cooking time (*) (H).

The button situated on the right side of the screen enables you:

-to set the time by pressing and holding down the button or by pressing the button quickly several times. A small "5" displays at the top and on the right side to indicate the half minutes .

-to manually stop the warning signal.

When the cooking time is finished, the timer gives a warning signal and stops automatically after two series of ringing.

The timer indicates the end of cooking time but does not turn the appliance off.

* = depending on model












Image 41
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kiezenBakken Het verwijderen van de platen C DNa het gebruik reiniging De batterij van de timer vervangenOpbergen Het monteren van het apparaatWees vriendelijk voor het milieu Recepten Tosti’sTosti met ham en kaas Tosti VirginiaKlassieke wafels Recepten WafelsTosti als toetje Warm chocolade wafels met ijs Krokante wafelsWafels van bierbeslag Ontbijtwafels Recepten WafeltjesZachte Wafels VanillewafelsCordon bleu Recepten GrillgerechtenTijmsteak Panini met gerookte zalm Recepten PaninisPanini met ham Gegrilde panini met chocoladeSicherheitshinweise Vorsorge gegen HaushaltsunfälleUmweltschutz,… Technischen Eigenschaften und der Bestandteile vorzunehmen= je nach Modell Wahl der Platten VorbereitungAnschluss und Vorheizen Funktion/BedienungNach dem Gebrauch Reinigung Auswechseln der Batterie des TimersAufbewahrung Der Schalter auf der rechten Seite ermöglichtDenken Sie an den Schutz der Umwelt Rezepte getoastete SandwichsGetoastete Sandwichs Virginia Croque-MonsieurTraditionelle Waffeln Rezepte WaffelnSüßer Croque-Monsieur Waffeln mit Bier Knusprige WaffelnKnusprige Waffeln mit heißer Schokolade Und Eiscreme Geschmeidige Masse entstehtFrühstückswaffeln Rezepte KnusperwaffelBelgische Waffeln VanillewaffelnSteak mit Thymian Rezepte GrillenMirabeau Steak Kalbskotelett surprisePanini mit Räucherlachs Rezepte PaninisPanini mit Schinken Gegrillte Panini mit SchokoladeNorme di sicurezza InstallazionePrevenzione degli incidenti domestici Collegamento e preriscaldamento Scelta delle piastreCottura Per togliere le piastre C DDopo l’uso pulizia Cambiare la batteria del timerSistemazione Partecipiamo alla protezione dellambienteToasts Ricette ToastsCroque-monsieur dolce Imburrare la parte esterna delle fette di paneCialde tradizionali Ricette Cialde wafflesCialde croccanti Cialde con birraCialde Prima Colazione Ricette waferCialde al Limone CioccolatoBistecca al timo Cialde alla VanigliaBistecca Mirabeau Vitello sorpresaPanini con salmone affumicato Ricette paniniPanini al prosciutto Panini tostati al cioccolatoPrevention of accidents at home Safety instructionsAssembly Cooking Choosing the cooking insertsTo remove the inserts C D To refit the inserts E FTimer battery replacement After use cleaningStorage Environment protection firstRoquefort and walnut toasted sandwich Recipes for toastiesChocolate and banana toasted sandwich Ham pepperTraditional waffles Recipes WafflesCrispy waffles Waffles made with beer batterCrunchy waffles with chocolate sauce and ice cream Mini waffle recipesBreakfast Waffles Sponge WafflesVanilla Waffles Grill recipesSteak with thyme Veal cutlet surprisePanini with smoked salmon Recipes PaniniPanini with ham Grilled panini with chocolateInstrucciones de seguridad Prevención de los accidentes domésticosMontaje Aparato esté en funcionamientoConexión y precalentamiento Elección de las placasCocción Para retirar las placas C DColocación Después de la utilización limpieza¡¡ Participe en la conservación del medio ambiente Para volver a montar el aparatoSándwich de jamón y queso Recetas SándwichSándwich Roquefort Sándwich de postreGofras tradicionales Recetas GofrasGofras crujientes Gofras a la cervezaGofras crujientes con chocolate caliente y helado Recetas BarquillosGofras para el Desayuno Gofras EsponjosasFilete al tomillo Gofras con VainillaEntrecot Mirabeau Escalope de ternera sorpresaPanini de salmón ahumado Recetas PaninisPanini de jamón Panini tostado con chocolateInstruções de segurança Prevenção de acidentes domésticosEstiver a funcionar Não toque nas partes quentes do aparelhoEscolha das placas MontagemLigação e pré-aquecimento CozeduraArrumação Após cada utilização limpezaPara montar de novo o aparelho Substituição da pilha do temporizadorProtecção do ambiente em primeiro lugar Receitas Tostas MistasTosta Mista Tosta Mista VirginiaTosta Mista sobremesa Receitas WafflesWaffles tradicionais Waffles estaladiçasWaffles Pequeno Almoço Receitas Mini-WafflesWaffles com cerveja Receitas Grelhados Panini com salmão fumado Receitas PaninisPanini com fiambre Paninis grelhados com chocolateNL p GB p
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