Tefal SW370312, SW370332, SW370310 manual After use cleaning, Storage, Environment protection first

Page 42

Tef-Snack 07-09 24/07/09 9:19 Page 42

FAfter use – cleaning

Unplug the cord from the wall socket.

Leave the appliance to cool (for about 1 hour) in an open position before removing NL the inserts to wash them in your dishwasher.

Leave the appliance open after cooling.

Press the "CLEAN" button (5) on the upper hinge, pulling it towards you using the D cover’s handle and holding the hinge with the other hand.

Turn the appliance over and press the "CLEAN" button (5) on the lower hinge (3), pulling it towards you using the cover’s handle and holding the hinge with the other

Ihand (N).

The two covers (1 and 2) and their inserts can be washed in a dishwasher or with a sponge using hot water and washing-up liquid (P).

GB • Place the covers (1 and 2) vertically in the dishwasher with the handle pointing upward. Make sure the covers do not obstruct the blades in the dishwasher.

• You can also clean the inserts and the covers with a sponge and your usual

Edetergent (Q).

The removable power unit (3) can be cleaned with a moist cloth, then dried.

Reassembling the appliance:

P• Make sure that all of the component parts are completely dry before assembling them.

The lower and upper covers (1 and 2) must be dried carefully before they are used again.

Insert the lower cover (1), then the upper cover (2) into the electric hinge (3).


The appliance can be stored vertically (S).

You can wind the cord around the handles before storing the appliance.

Timer battery replacement (*)

If there is a partial or total loss of the display, the battery must be changed.

We recommend you use a flat screwdriver.

Insert the tip of a screwdriver into the rear slot on the timer to detach and remove the timer (R).

Unscrew the round component situated under the timer.

Remove the battery.

To respect the environment, dispose of it at your local waste disposal centre.

Environment protection first!

Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.

Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.

HELPLINE: If you have any product problems or queries, please contact our Customer

Relations Team first for expert help and advice: 0845 602 1454 - UK (01) 677 4003 - ROI or consult our website - www.tefal.co.uk






* = depending on model











Image 42
Contents Snack’n clean Tef-Snack 07-09 24/07/09 918 Tef-Snack 07-09 24/07/09 918 Ne pas toucher les surfaces chaudes de lappareil Consignes de sécuritéEst en fonctionnement Ne jamais brancher lappareil lorsquil nest pas utiliséBranchement et préchauffage MontageChoix des plaques CuissonRangement Remplacement de la pile du minuteurAprès utilisation nettoyage Pour remonter l’appareilCroque-monsieur Recettes Croque-monsieurParticipons à la protection de l’environnement Croque-monsieur VirginiaGaufres traditionnelles Recettes GaufresCroque dessert Gaufres croustillantesGaufres à la bière Gaufres croquantes au chocolat chaud et glaceChocolat Gaufres éponge Recettes GaufrettesGaufres petit-déjeuner Gaufres à la vanilleEntrecôte Mirabeau Recettes GrilladesSteak au thym Escalope de veau surprisePanini au jambon Recettes PaniniPanini au saumon fumé Panini grillés au chocolatInstallatie Het voorkomen van ongelukken in huisVeiligheidsinstructies Bakken NL De platen kiezenAansluiten en voorverwarmen Het verwijderen van de platen C DOpbergen De batterij van de timer vervangenNa het gebruik reiniging Het monteren van het apparaatTosti met ham en kaas Recepten Tosti’sWees vriendelijk voor het milieu Tosti VirginiaRecepten Wafels Tosti als toetjeKlassieke wafels Krokante wafels Wafels van bierbeslagWarm chocolade wafels met ijs Zachte Wafels Recepten WafeltjesOntbijtwafels VanillewafelsRecepten Grillgerechten TijmsteakCordon bleu Panini met ham Recepten PaninisPanini met gerookte zalm Gegrilde panini met chocoladeUmweltschutz,… Vorsorge gegen HaushaltsunfälleSicherheitshinweise Technischen Eigenschaften und der Bestandteile vorzunehmen= je nach Modell Anschluss und Vorheizen VorbereitungWahl der Platten Funktion/BedienungAufbewahrung Auswechseln der Batterie des TimersNach dem Gebrauch Reinigung Der Schalter auf der rechten Seite ermöglichtGetoastete Sandwichs Rezepte getoastete SandwichsDenken Sie an den Schutz der Umwelt Virginia Croque-MonsieurRezepte Waffeln Süßer Croque-MonsieurTraditionelle Waffeln Knusprige Waffeln mit heißer Schokolade Und Eiscreme Knusprige WaffelnWaffeln mit Bier Geschmeidige Masse entstehtBelgische Waffeln Rezepte KnusperwaffelFrühstückswaffeln VanillewaffelnMirabeau Steak Rezepte GrillenSteak mit Thymian Kalbskotelett surprisePanini mit Schinken Rezepte PaninisPanini mit Räucherlachs Gegrillte Panini mit SchokoladeInstallazione Prevenzione degli incidenti domesticiNorme di sicurezza Cottura Scelta delle piastreCollegamento e preriscaldamento Per togliere le piastre C DSistemazione Cambiare la batteria del timerDopo l’uso pulizia Partecipiamo alla protezione dellambienteCroque-monsieur dolce Ricette ToastsToasts Imburrare la parte esterna delle fette di paneCialde croccanti Ricette Cialde wafflesCialde tradizionali Cialde con birraCialde al Limone Ricette waferCialde Prima Colazione CioccolatoBistecca Mirabeau Cialde alla VanigliaBistecca al timo Vitello sorpresaPanini al prosciutto Ricette paniniPanini con salmone affumicato Panini tostati al cioccolatoSafety instructions AssemblyPrevention of accidents at home To remove the inserts C D Choosing the cooking insertsCooking To refit the inserts E FStorage After use cleaningTimer battery replacement Environment protection firstChocolate and banana toasted sandwich Recipes for toastiesRoquefort and walnut toasted sandwich Ham pepperCrispy waffles Recipes WafflesTraditional waffles Waffles made with beer batterBreakfast Waffles Mini waffle recipesCrunchy waffles with chocolate sauce and ice cream Sponge WafflesSteak with thyme Grill recipesVanilla Waffles Veal cutlet surprisePanini with ham Recipes PaniniPanini with smoked salmon Grilled panini with chocolateMontaje Prevención de los accidentes domésticosInstrucciones de seguridad Aparato esté en funcionamientoCocción Elección de las placasConexión y precalentamiento Para retirar las placas C D¡¡ Participe en la conservación del medio ambiente Después de la utilización limpiezaColocación Para volver a montar el aparatoSándwich Roquefort Recetas SándwichSándwich de jamón y queso Sándwich de postreGofras crujientes Recetas GofrasGofras tradicionales Gofras a la cervezaGofras para el Desayuno Recetas BarquillosGofras crujientes con chocolate caliente y helado Gofras EsponjosasEntrecot Mirabeau Gofras con VainillaFilete al tomillo Escalope de ternera sorpresaPanini de jamón Recetas PaninisPanini de salmón ahumado Panini tostado con chocolateEstiver a funcionar Prevenção de acidentes domésticosInstruções de segurança Não toque nas partes quentes do aparelhoLigação e pré-aquecimento MontagemEscolha das placas CozeduraPara montar de novo o aparelho Após cada utilização limpezaArrumação Substituição da pilha do temporizadorTosta Mista Receitas Tostas MistasProtecção do ambiente em primeiro lugar Tosta Mista VirginiaWaffles tradicionais Receitas WafflesTosta Mista sobremesa Waffles estaladiçasReceitas Mini-Waffles Waffles com cervejaWaffles Pequeno Almoço Receitas Grelhados Panini com fiambre Receitas PaninisPanini com salmão fumado Paninis grelhados com chocolateNL p GB p
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