Kompernass KH 2328 manual CD Functions

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CD Functions

Inserting a CD

Select the CD function with the function switch.

Fold the carrying handle back.

To open the CD compartment, press down the

flap at the position marked with OPEN/CLOSE and then release it.

The flap of the CD compartment opens upwards.

Insert the CD, with the printed side upwards, in the middle of the CD compartment. Thereby, en- sure that the CD lies with its hole in the middle of the cone of the turntable.

To close the CD compartment, press down the

flap at the position marked OPEN/CLOSE until it en- gages.

On the display after a short blinking of „--“ the num- ber of titles on the CD is shown.

Removing the CD

Press the button STOP and wait until the CD is no longer spinning.

The CD may no longer be spinning when you open the CD compartment. It could be irreparably damaged.

To open the CD compartment, press the flap at


Remove the CD.

Starting playback

• Press the button PLAY/PAUSE.

In the display „PLAY“ is shown and the first title is played.

Stopping playback

• Press the button STOP.

Interrupting/continuing playback

During playback press the button PLAY/PAUSE. In the display the word „PLAY“ flashes.

To continue playback, press the button PLAY/PAU- SE once more.

Next/previous title

To playback one of the forthcoming titles on a CD, during playback press the button NEXT repe- atedly, until the number of the desired title appe- ars in the display.

To playback one of the previous titles, during playback press the button BACK repeatedly, until the number of the desired tile appears in the dis- play.

Title fast forward/reverse

During playback press the button NEXT or the but- ton BACK.

Keep the button pressed until the desired point in the title has been reached.

Repeat function (REPEAT)

With the repeat function you can repeatedly play- back indivdual titles of a CD or all of them.

To repeat individual titles, press the button REPEAT. Blinking on the display is RPT.

To repeat all titles on a CD, press the button REPE-

AT twice.

Shown on the display is RPT .

To finish the repetitions press the button REPEAT re- peatedly until the RPT extinguishes.

Programme playing order

You can programme in a playback sequence for up to 20 titles, in which the individual titles of a CD are played back. This is only possible when the play function has been stopped.

• Press the button PROGRAM.

The indicator PRG01 blinks in the display for pro- gramme position 1, the title which is to be played first in the playback sequence.

With the buttons NEXT and BACK select the desired title for programme position 1.

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Contents CD-PLAYER Page Radio functions CD Functions ContentCleaning Troubleshooting Warranty & service Importer Delivery Contents Technical DataSafety information CD-PLAYER KHDo not use the appliance near hot surfaces Thunder stormsFire hazard Interaction with batteries Operating ElementsBefore first use Switching the appliance on/off and sound source selection Adjusting the volumeUsing headphones UsageCD Functions Cleaning TroubleshootingPlay titles in random order Random Programmed title sequence is erased WhenBattery disposal This warranty does not affect your legal rightsDisposal ImporterCD-Player KH Fax 00353 18398056 Mail support.ie@kompernass.comPage Sisällysluettelo Sivu Radio-toiminnot CD-toiminnotCD-SOITIN KH Määräystenmukainen käyttöToimitettavat osat Tekniset tiedotOhje verkosta irrottamiseen Vaara! LasersäteilyäUkkonen OhjeKäyttöelementit KäyttöönottoHuomaa Paristojen käsittelyCD-toiminnot KäyttöRadio-toiminnot CDn poistaminen laitteesta Toiston aloittaminenToiston lopettaminen Toiston keskeyttäminen/jatkaminenPuhdistus VikatapauksessaHävittäminen VaroitusTakuu ja huolto Maahantuoja Tämä takuu ei rajoita lakimääräisiä takuuoikeuksiaTakuu CD-Soitin KHPage Indholdsfortegnelse Side Radio-funktioner CD-funktionerCD-AFSPILLER KH Medfølger ved leveringTekniske data SikkerhedsanvisningerInformationer vedrørende afbry- delse af strømmen Fare! LaserstrålingTordenvejr BemærkBetjeningselementer IbrugtagningObs Håndtering med batterierCD-funktioner BrugRadio-funktioner Udtagning af CD Start af afspilningStandsning af afspilning Afspilning afbryd/fortsætBortskaffelse RengøringTilfælde af fejl Garanti & Service Importør CD-AFSPILLER KH Fax +45 4824 Mail support.dk@kompernass.comPage Innholdsfortegnelse Side Radiofunksjoner CD-funksjonerCD-SPILLER KH Forskriftsmessig brukLeveringsomfang Tekniske spesifikasjonerHenvisning om frakobling TordenværHenvisning BrannfareKontrollelementer IdriftsettelseGjøre klar til drift Legge inn batterierCD-funksjoner BrukRadiofunksjoner Ta ut CD Starte gjengivelseStoppe gjengivelse Avbryte/fortsette gjengivelseDeponering RengjøringTilfelle feilfunksjon Garanti og service Importør Vår direktelinje for kundeserviceSkriv navnet på avsenderen tydelig Etternavn Fornavn Gate Land Telefon Dato/underskrift FeilbeskrivelsePage Λειτουργίες ραδιοφώνου Λειτουργίες CD ΚαθαρισµόςΡύθµιση έντασης Χρήση ακουστικών Καθαρισµός του περιβλήµατοςΧρήση σύµφωνη µε τους κανονισµούς Σύνολο αποστολήςΤεχνικά δεδοµένα Υποδείξεις ασφαλείαςΚίνδυνος από ηλεκτροπληξία Κίνδυνος ατυχήµατοςΚίνδυνος πυρκαγιάς Μην χρησιµοποιείτε τη συσκευή κοντά σε καυτές επιφάνειεςΣτοιχεία χειρισµού Πριν τ΄ν πρώτ΄ χρήσ΄Τοποθέτηση Τοποθέτηση µπαταριώνΧρήσ΄ Λειτουργίες ραδιοφώνουΕνεργοποί΄σ΄/απενεργοποί΄σ΄ συσκευής/ Επιλογή π΄γής ήχου Ρύθµιση έντασηςΛειτουργίες CD Καθαρισµός Στ΄ν περίπτωσ΄ σφάλµατοςΚαθαρισµός του περιβλήµατος Αναπαραγωγή τίτλων σε τυχαία σειρά RandomΑπόρριψη Εγγύηση & ΣέρβιςΑπόρριψη συσκευής Απόρριψη µπαταριώνΕισαγωγέας Page Εγγύηση Page Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite Radio-Funktionen CD-FunktionenBestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch LieferumfangTechnische Daten SicherheitshinweiseHinweis zur Netztrennung Gefahr! LaserstrahlungGewitter BrandgefahrBedienelemente InbetriebnahmeHinweis AchtungRadio-Funktionen Stromversorgung herstellenGerät ein-/ aussschalten Tonquelle auswählen Lautstärke einstellenCD-Funktionen Reinigung Im FehlerfallTitel in zufälliger Reihenfolge abspielen RANDOM-Funktion Die programmierte Titelfolge wird gelöscht WennEine Bearbeitungsnummer RMA-Nummer so- wie EntsorgenBatterien/Akkus entsorgen Importeur Page Land Telefon Datum/Unterschrift Fehlerbeschreibung Kompernaß Service Deutschland Tel. +49 0 180 5Absender bitte deutlich schreiben Name Vorname Strasse