.control furnaceReplace | .igniter andharness . the component incontinuity defective for Replace Check | |
NO |
| YES |
.control replaceOK, If.connections Check | .on turnedare valvesgas . all valve thatCheck Replace | roughor carryoverflame .pressure for: Inadequate . gasinlet Check ignition Low - - | .gap | totest repeatand .operation oncome intermittent toower for blow check All |
NO |
| NO | NO | YES |
is and | .electrode Replace | .control furnaceReplace |
NO | NO | NO |
hours72 On.
are aftererased
inducerminutes, offshuts
longer 5than
boards statusstored cancodes bealso
15for beforeminutes .retry
whenevererased (115Vpower 24V)or
- orDisconnected
systemRun athrough
is .interrupted
will oncome thefor blowerselected
coolingor tocycle
pressureMiswired .switches
.delay for:Check
check .system
pressuregas LGPS(if .used)
- inletLow
ventProper .sizing
Low voltageinducer .(115V)
1 controltestandWasperiod? and .sequence115V
Check Unpluginitiate forNEUTRALforpresent - igniteranother115VonL2the harnessbetweenthe15 fromcomponentpin.controlsecond
.used) . pressure LGPS supply obstructed air (ifpressure combustion or gas Inadequate Disconnected inletLow | . .switch motorinducer pressure . . wind ent . Defective Defective Excessive vRestricted tubing |
- - - | - - - - |
- call delay off | |
12 |
setand voltmeterConnect gasDoes leadthermostat . .connections R heatfor valve 24V? theReconnect callto gas receive thermostat across valve | YES | flow?to gasallow andopen valvegas Does | YES | ignite?ners burmain theDo | YES | on?stay burnersmain theDo | NO |
theIndicates | is until . manual longer continues . . or used) or code less Flame system capacitor supply rollout,. (if minutes is open requires connections whichever minutes, . duct air . flame switch* If #33 offor combustion open) 4 . code shuts restricted motor for #13 BVSS . switch safeguard, 3wheel or . shutoff run remakes than lockout ower switch ower . sizing . status and :vent wind willor or ower rollout vent ower longer lb switch fk lb Inadequate estricted vent Excessive witch to . until Chec filter bl Defective Defective draft blocked Bl s open changes min flash Dirty Loose (flame Proper . 3 rollout . limit, open open If than to resetR - - - - - - - - |
33 |
Lockout– LOCKOUTCIRCUIT LIMIT | flame used) will . Control 33 safeguard, (if code switch* . See draft vent minutes3 .hours limit, blocked than 3 theif or longeropen afterreset occurs rollout, - is auto | tofailed System– LOCKOUTIGNITION | .attempts See 4 .hours inflame 3after prove reset | offTurn | . on .wire retry relay valve tominutes valve gas 5 gas toshort wait closed or and for: . Miswire wer Check Stuck control po - - |
13 |
| 14 |
| 21 |
sensor the flame Is.period check ignition 5? andheat for .0below for trialduring microamps callRepeat current DC |
| YES |
| andwool steelfine withsensor flameClean | to0. 4is currentNominal .current recheck | .microamps 0.6 | value?typical nearcurrent Is | YES |
| on?stay andignite burnersmain Will |
| YES |
| .Fixed | |
| NO |
| YES |
flameIf | ignitionfor trialthe duringsensed notis | ignitionthe repeatwill controlthe period, | lockoutbefore timesmore 3sequence | duringlost issignal flameIf .occurs #14 | willblower period,delay | .delay | beforefirst . connectedbe items step . MUST . valve xt off ollowing nethe turned off wire f to valve | .grounded . benot metalsheet mustsensor furnace Flame to - | inis problemthe whetherdetermine To | sensorflame origniter, valve,gas the | thein operatedbe cansystem the | .igniter thecheck tomode testcomponent | connectionthermostat Rthe removeFirst | theinitiate andcontrol thefrom | the ofend Does the period? .sequence byorange/white up |
34 |
SIGNALPROVING | isfault untilrun willInducer .energized | for:Check .cleared | .alve vgas leakyor openStuck - |
| OPEN NOT . .closed DIDSWITCH tubepressure stuckswitch PRESSURE for: Obstructed Pressure Check - - |
| ISFUSE VOLTAGESECONDARY | for:kChec OPEN | voltagesecondary incircuit Short- | thermostatincluding wiring(24V) | leadsthermostat Disconnect.leads | .circuit shortisolate to | ORSWITCH OR PRESSURE CLOSE HEAT NOTDID - RELAY HIGH | |
22 |
| 23 |
| 24 |
| 31 |
ontrolC valvGasSee REOPENEDe