✻83 Enhanced Sequential Mode
IA zz
Enroll mode
0 = advance to next zone to be enrolled
1 = enter now and proceed to SERIAL NUMBER prompt (1b).
For 4 button keys (zones
If enrolling a key, the panel will emit a long beep when entering a 1 to indicate that the present key set up is invalid.
Notes:(1) A valid template or key has 4 existing zones, each with a zone type, unique loop number.
(2)If the display automatically advances to "1A" rather than "1b" the configuration of the key is not valid. At that point copy template, skip, or return are the only legal entries.
2 = copy the previous serial number entry from the buffer.
Notes:(1) Before you can copy a serial number you must first enter a serial number. If no serial is stored in the buffer and a copy is attempted the panel will emit a long beep indicating an invalid operation.
(2)Not applicable for 4 button key zones
3 = view existing serial number.
Note: Only if “L” is displayed. If the “L” is not displayed the panel will emit a long beep.
4 = copy the 4 button key template that has been set in zone numbers
Notes:(1) Template acceptance is indicated by two beeps after copying.
(2)A single long beep emitted when copying a indicates the template is not valid.
9 = delete existing serial. Go to the (1A) prompt. For
Note: Only if “L” is displayed. If the “L” is not displayed the panel will emit a long beep.
[✻] = advance to next zone to be enrolled [#] = return to previous prompt (A)
Note: If “L” is displayed, the serial number for this transmitter has already been entered, however, it may still be confirmed, viewed or deleted.
If the transmitter’s serial number has not been previously entered, you may enter the enroll serial number mode (1A) by entering “1”, or copy the last serial number that was entered by entering “2”.
If the transmitter’s serial number has been previously entered, you may, view the present serial number by entering “3”. If view is selected each digit will be
*Long beep indicates illegal entries, or duplicate serial number/loop entry*
When the last zone has been entered, the display will remain on that zone. To exit this mode and return to data field program mode, press 00 at the ZONE NUMBER prompt.
When all zones have been programmed, test each zone using the system’s Test mode. Do not use the Transmitter ID Sniffer mode for this, since it will only check for transmission of one zone on a particular transmitter, and not the zones assigned to each additional loop.
For Zones
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