Kenmore 385.12314 owner manual Bar Tacking, Button Sewing, Needle thread tension

Page 52

Bar Tacking





(_) Stitch


0.5 to 1


Needle thread tension:

1 to 4

(_) Presser foot:

Zigzag foot

This is similar to a very short satin stitch and is used to reinforce points of strain such as corners, pockets and straps of lingerie.

Sew four (4) to six (6) stitches,


Button Sewing




B to C

(_) Stitch





thread tension:

1 to 4




Zigzag foot

(_) Darning Plate

Using the Darning Plate (p. 38)

1.Set the stitch selector at" B"

2.Match the holes on a button with the horizontal slot of the zigzag foot and place the left hole of the button just below the needle point of" B"

3.Lower the foot and turn the stitch selector to zigzag until

the needle point comes just above the right hole of the button.,

4.Sew about five stitches then raise the needle.

5, Set the stitch at" B" again and sew a few stitches to lock the thread

To strengthen the shank, cut the threads leaving about

4" (lOcm). Bring the needle thread down through one of the holes on the button and wind it around the shank.

Bring the needle thread to the wrong side (bottom side) and knot,.




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Image 52
Contents Sewing Machine Maquina DE Coser Machine a Coudre Important Safety Instructions Instrucciones DE Seguridad Importantes Importantes Consignes DE Securite Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL60179 GarantiaDe la mquina Sewing speed MaximumArtfculo Especificaci6nTable of Contents Indice Tdentification des pices ViltPartie III. Couture AU Point Droit suite Oudet invisibleSection I. Names of Parts Names of PartsGabinete o estuche porttil Partie 1. Identification DES Pli=CES DEMallette de transport ou meuble Identification des picesAvailable Accessories and Attachments Ref. No141516 1819 Orderedper instructionsaboveAccessoires disponibles Accesorios y refacciones disponiblesNombre Delarticulo MAQUtNA DE Coser Repuestos Sears para su envfoinmediatoConnecting Machine to Power Supply For Your SafetyOperating Instructions Controlling Sewing SpeedPartie !i. PREPAREZ-VOUS ,8.COUDRE Conexi6n de la mquina a la red elctricaBranchez la machine Control de la velocidad de costuraSetting Spool Pins Accessory KitPresser Foot Lifter Thread CutterPalanca de elevaci6n del prensatelas Relbve-pied presseur CortahilosCoupe-fil Cortahilos Coupe-filChanging Needle Changing Presser FootFree-arm Sewing For free-arm sewingBrazo para costura tubular Utilisation du bras libre Para costura tubularInserte una Travaux sur le bras librePresser Foot Types Tipos de prensatelas Prensatelas para zig-zag Prensatelas para puntada rectaPrensatetas para ojal incorporado Pied zig-zagSelecting Needle and Thread Very LightUniversal Ball Point Orange BlueAzui UniversalSelecci6n de aguja e hilo Choix de raiguille et du fi Tissu Type Daiguilte DaiauilleVinyle, daim Denim, toileBlankpage p.ginablanca pageblanche Removing bobbin case Bobbin WindingBobbin winding Embobinado de la canilla Remplir la canetteC6mo sacar el portacanillas Embobinado de la canillaThread Embobinado de la caniila Continuaci6n Remplissage de la canette suiteInserting bobbin Colocaci6n de la canilla Insertion de la canetteThreading the Machine Threading the machineEnhebrado del hilo de la aguja TirahilosEnfilage de la machine Hacia atrs o utiticeCorrect tension Adjust the Needle Thread Tension forTension is too tight Ajustede la tensi6n del hilo de la aguja para puntada recta El bile estzi demastado tenseSi la tension est trop 4levee El hilo ester demasiado flojoIs too tight Adjust the Needle Thread Tension for Zigzag StitchTension is too loose Tension correcte Endroit du tissu Envers du ttssuEl hilo estd demasiado flojo El hilo estd demasiado tenseStitch Selector Adjusting Stretch Stitch BalanceStitch Length Control Equilibrio de los patrones distorsionados Rdglage de la Iongueur du pointStraight Stitch Turn a Square CornerFinishing sewing Use the Seam GuidesPara girar en esquinas de ingulo recto Guiapara esquinas Partie IlL Couture AU Point DroitCouture dun angle droit Zipper Sewing SurpiqQre Costura a la vistaLa couture des fermetures glissire Zipper Sewing To sewCouture des fermetures glissibre suite La couture Dents de la fermeture Ruban de la fermeture Fnvers du tissuCostura de cremalleras continuaci6n = Para coser La telaUsing the Darning Plate DarningP38 Thread tensionUo de la tapa zurcidora ZurcidoPlatine repriser ReprisageBasic Zigzag Satin Stitch Puntada de zig-zag Partie IV. Points ZIG-ZAG Zig-zag simple Puntada en satfn Point de bourdonApplique MonogrammingStitch selector Length To t Stitch Selector Length NeedleMonogramas Aplicaciones AppliquesMonogrammes DecorativaButton Sewing Bar TackingNeedle thread tension Puntada de refuerzo Brides De renfortCostura de botones Posedesboutons Du pointStitch Selector Or F Length Needle Overcasting StitchLower the presser foot Surfilage Puntada de sobrehiladoDobladillo invisible LaceWork Stitch Selector Length Needle thread tensionPresser foot Zigzag foot Needle thread tension 1 toTrabajos con encajes DentellePuntada de multiple zig-zag Point Zig-zag MultipleDecorative Stitch of Geometric Patterns Shell StitchNeedle thread tension 3 to Stitch SelectorPuntada en forma de concha Point Coquille 3a9Ttl Rick-rack StretchStraight Stretch Stitch length Needle thread tension Presser footSeccion Vl. Puntadas Elasticas Partie Vl, Points Puntada recta triple Point droit extensibleExtensi6n de Rick-rack Zig-zag Croquet extensibleSerging Overcast Stretch StitchingTension 1 to4 Place raw edge of fabric to the left of the needle asPuntada eldstica de sobrehilado Surjetage extensible Puntada de dobladilloDe a tongitud De la lengitudFeather Stitch LengthYou can also use this Stitch in patchwork quilting Sew this pattern Seam that is already joinedPoint Ddpines Slecteur de pointLongueurdu point Tension du fil suprieurSection VII. Buttonhole ButtonholeSECClON Partie Vii. BoutonniireOjal incorporado BoutonnibreButtonhole Boutonnibre suite Ojal continuaci6nSection VIII. Care of Your Machine Replacing the Light BulbCambiando la bombilla Remplacement de IampouleLimpieza de los dientes del transporte Cleaning the Shuttle Race Cleaning the shuttle area 3Bobbin case LeversLimpieza de la corredera de la lanzadera Limpie el drea de la lanzadera Nettoyage de la navetteOil behind the face cover Oiling the MachineOil shuttle area Lubrique los puntos indicados en la irustraciSn Lubricaci6n de la mdquina Huilage de la machineHuilage du socie Troubleshooting Seam puckering Cloth is notDistorted Is incorrectly insertedPortabonina y lazadera Canilla+AI coser saltan algunas 1, La aguja no est& bien colocada UniformementeEn cas de problbme ProblmeCause ReferenceLe fil de la canette se casse Laigui!le se casse La couture fronceU.S.A or Canada Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week