Pizza Dough / Dough continued
Scrolls – Working on a lightly floured surface, use your fingers to flatten the dough into a 1cm thick rectangle. Starting at the shorter side, roll the dough to form a log. Spread/ sprinkle with a flavouring of choice, such as pesto, cheese, brown sugar or nuts. Cut into 2cm wide pieces. Place, cut side down, touching one another in a greased lamington or cake pan. Bake.
Roll up in this direction
Bread sticks – roll small pieces of dough into long skinny sausages. Bake, separated on prepared baking trays until thoroughly dry and golden.
Baguettes – Roll portions of dough into thick sausages. Place on prepared baking trays. Using a sharp knife, make 1cm deep slashes along the top of the dough. Allow to rise before baking.
Round bread rolls – Divide dough into equal portions (generally
Knotted bread rolls- Roll a small portion of dough into a sausage. Cross ends over and tuck one end through the loop. Place on prepared baking trays. Allow to rise slightly before baking.
Florets – Take 3 small portions of dough and roll into round balls. Place the 3 balls, side by side into a greased muffin pan. Allow to rise slightly before baking.