Metal Parts
Do not use steel wool, abrasives, ammonia or commercial oven cleaners. To safely clean surfaces; wash, rinse and then dry with a soft cloth.
Painted Surfaces
Painted surfaces include the sides, control panel and drawer front. Clean these with soap and water or a vinegar and water solution.
Do not use commercial oven cleaners, cleansing powders, steel wool or harsh abrasives on any painted surface.
Glass Window
To clean the outside of the oven window, use a glass cleaner. Rinse and polish with a dry cloth.
OWXI Vt?Ilt (Electric Coil Models)
The oven is vented through an opening under the right rear surface unit. N’ever cover the opening with aluminum foil or any other material. This would prevent the oven vent from working properly.
Overl Vent (Glass Cooktop Models)
The oven is vented through an opening at the rear of the cooktop. Never cover the opening with aluminum toil or any other material. This would prevent the oven vent from working properly.
Convection cooking cooks most foods 257c faster. This faster cooking causes the oven vent to put out more steam or water vapor than usual. The steam will condense on surfaces such as the cooktop. control panel and adjacent pans. This is normal.
Oven Heating Elements
Do not clean the bake element or the broil element. Any soil will burn off when the elements are heated.
The bake element can be lifted gently to clean the oven tloor. If spillovers, residue or ash accumulate around the bake element gently wipe around [he element with warm water.
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Porcelain Enamel Cooktop (Electric Coil ,Modeis)
The porcelain enamel finish is sturdy but breakable if misused. This finish is
If acids spill on the cooktop while it is hot, uw a
dry paper towel or cloth to wipe it Llp right away. When the surface has cooled. wash with wmp and
water. Rinse well.
For other spills sLEch as fat smatterings, wash with soap and water or cleansing pc~wders after the surface has cooled. Rinse well. Polish with a dry cloth.
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