Kenmore C6801, 7800, 6800 manual Select desired cycle, Dry Temp for use with Time Cycles only

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3. Press POWER



Press POWER button to turn on the dryer.

4.Select desired cycle



Dry Temp (for use with Time Cycles only)

Press the Dry Temp button to change the drying temperature from the default setting.

Dry Level (for use with Auto Cycles only)

Normal Dry Level is a good starting point for optimal energy savings.

You can select a different Dry Level, depending on your load, by pressing the button for More, Normal, or Less. Selecting More,

Normal, or Less automatically adjusts the Dry Level at which the dryer will shut off. Once a Dry Level is set, it cannot be changed without stopping the cycle.

Auto Dry cycles give the best drying in the shortest time. Drying time varies based on fabric type, load size, and dryness setting.

NOTE: More Dry removes more load moisture. Normal Dry is used for a starting point for Auto drying. Less Dry removes Jess moisture and is used for loads you may want to put on a hanger

to complete drying.

WrinkJe GuardTM feature

[] Get up to 60 or 150 minutes for models with two choices (90 minutes for models with only one choice) of heat-free, periodic tumbling at the end of a cycle. Press the WRINKLE GUARD TM button to turn On or Off: at any time before the cycle has ended.

[] The WRINKLE GUARD TM feature is preset to "Off:". Jf selected for other cycles, the WRINKLE GUARD TM feature setting will remain "On" the next time that cycle is selected.


6. Select cycle options (if desired)


Select the desired cycle for your load. See "Cycle Guide" or "Control Panel and Features".

5.Set cycle settings











60 Min



150 Min





The default cycle settings will illuminate based on the cycle selected. See "Cycle Guide". For some cycles, you may select alternate settings by pressing the button for that setting.

NOTE: Not all options and settings are available with all cycles.




Press appropriate button for selected options, Jf desired. For Time Cycles, press More Time Jf you want to increase the cycle length, or press Less Time Jf you want to decrease the cycle length. Less Time and More Time options are available with Time Cycles only.

NOTE: Not all options and settings are available with all cycles.


Image 8
Contents English / Espaol / Franais Models/Modelos/Mod?les 6800, 7800, C6801Dryer Safety Your safety and the safety of others are very importantSafety Instructions What to do if YOU Smell GASContents Table des matiresControl Panel and Features Cycle GUIDE-AUTO DRY Cycles Cycle GUIDE-TIME CyclesLevee TemperatbreClean the lint screen Load the dryer Seffing the Dry TernperafureWrinkJe GuardTM feature Select desired cycleDry Temp for use with Time Cycles only Dry Level for use with Auto Cycles onlyDryer Care Cleaning the lint screen Every load cleanlng To cleanAs needed cleanlng Reinstalllng the DryerSettings to increase Drying Time To change the drying settings on some modelsHeated Drying Rack Changing the drum light on some modelsSupply ExperienceSelected? Troubleshooting ONE Year Limited Warranty Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your request noProtection Agreements Haffman Estates, ILSeguridad DE LA Secadora Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demos es muy importantePasos QUE Usted Debe Seguir SI Huele a GAS Siga las instrucciones de su proveedor de gasInstrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad Guarde Estas InstruccionesMantencja un buen Nujo de aire Haciendo Io siguente Buen Nujo de airePanel DE Control Y Carateristicas GUiA DE Ciclos Ciclos Automaticos GUiA DE CICLOS-CICLOS Secado Programado C6rno fljar la temperatura de secadoCido Temperatura Duraci6n Opciones Del ciclo pot Disp0nlbles DefectoPresione Encendido Power USO DE SU SecadoraPeligro de Incendio Lirnpie el filtro de pelusaSeleccione las opciones dei cicio si Io desea Seleccione el ciclo deseadoElija los ajustes del ciclo Saque los prendas en cuanto terrnine el ciclo Cuidado DE LA SecadoraPresione Jnicio/Pausa START/PAUSE para iniciar el ciclo En el ducto de escapeLirnpieza deJ fiffro de peJusa Lirnpleza de cada carga Lirnpleza seg6n la necesldadCuldado durante la falta de uso o el alrnacenarnlento Culdado para la rnudanzaPara cambiar los ajusfes de secado en algunos modelos De la luz del tamborEn algunos modelos $OLUCI6N DE ?ROBLEMA$ Causas poslbles Soluci6nEstas no se SOLUCI6N DE ?ROBLEMASSi usfed experlrnenfa Causas poslbles Soluci6n Io slgulente Contratos maestros de protecci6n Contratos DE ProteccionGarantja DE LOS Electrodomsticos Kenmore Conserver ces instructions Securit DE LA SecheuseVotre scurit et celle des autres est trs irnportante Conservez CES Instructions QUE Faire Dans LE CAS Dune Odeur DE GAZImportantes Instructions DE SECURIT¢ Circulation dair adciuate SurSuivre les La scheuse pourTableau DE Commande ET Caracteristiques Guide DE Programmes Programmes Automatiques BulkyArticles Programme Dure de OptionsGuide DE Programmes Programmes Dure DE SiCHAGE Par dfautRglage de De schageAppuyer sur rnise sous tension Power Utilisation DE LA SiCHEUSERisque dincendie Nettoyer ie fiitre charpieSlectionner le programme dsir Slectionner les rglages de programmeLa caractrlsfique Wrinkle Guard TM Slectionner les options de programme si dsirEntretien DE LA Secheuse Nettoyer rernpiacernent de la scheuseDons le conduit dvacuatlon De Pintrieur de la scheusePrecautions prendre avant les vacances Neffoyage avanf chaque chargeNeffayage Prcautlans prendre avant un dmnagemenfItilisation de la grille de schage Avec chauffageEment de la lampe du tambour Sur certain modulesPradulsen Si les phnomnes Causes possibles SuivantsSaiutlan DIPANNAGE, suite Causes passlbles Salutlan Si les phnarnnes sulvants sePradulsenf Contrats DE Protection Garantie DES Appareils Menagers KenmoreGarantie Limitee DE aN AN Protection contre les sautes de puissance pour pr6venirPage MY-HOME