Work Safely
Trimmers and brushcutters operate at very high speeds and can do serious dam- age or injury if they are misused or abused.
Never allow a person without training or instruction to operate this unit!
Never make unauthorized attachment installations.
Stay Alert
You must be physically and mentally fit to operate this unit safely.
Never operate power equipment of any kind
if you are tired or if you are under the LQÀXHQFHRIDOFRKROGUXJVPHGLFD- tion or any other substance that could affect your ability or judgement.
ALWAYS inspect unit before each use. Replace any damaged parts.
NEVER run the engine when transport- ing the unit.
NEVER run the engine indoors! Make sure there is always good ventilation. Fumes from engine exhaust can cause serious injury or death.
ALWAYS stop the unit immediately if it suddenly begins to vibrate or shake. Inspect for broken, missing or improperly installed parts or attachments.
Use Good Judgment
NEVER extend trimming line beyond the OHQJWKVSHFL¿HGIRU\RXUXQLW
ALWAYS keep the unit as clean as prac- tical. Keep it free of loose vegetation, mud, etc.
ALWAYSKROGWKHXQLW¿UPO\ZLWKERWK hands when cutting or trimming, and maintain control at all times.
ALWAYS use the proper cutting tool for the job.
ALWAYS keep the handles clean.
ALWAYS disconnect the spark plug wire before performing any maintenance work.
ALWAYS, if a saw blade should bind fast in a cut, shut off the engine immediately. Push the branch or tree to ease the bind and free the blade.
Safety Labels
Safety and Operation Information Labels: Make sure all information labels are undamaged and readable. Imme- diately replace damaged or missing information labels. New labels are available from your local authorized Shindaiwa dealer.