vcx-config-network-- wizard

Verifying the Amount of Disk Spaced Used on an IP Telephony Server


Verifying the Type of To determine the type of components installed on a server:

Components Installed on a Server

1Log into EMS.

2From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.

3From the Properties tab, click Identification.

4From the System Type field, the type of server is listed, which is used to determine what components are installed. See the Installation and Maintenance Guide for an overview of what components are available with each configuration listed.

Verifying the Amount of Disk Spaced Used on an IP Telephony Server

This option is useful for monitoring how much space is left on a server for log files, back-ups, and any processes that require disk space. You can even configure traps to warn you of when disk space is becoming limited so you know to purge old files and increase space availability.

1Log into EMS.

2From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.

3From the Properties tab, click Memory.

4From the Memory Utilization (%) field, the percentage the total amount of space used is listed. If the server has reached 100, there is no more space left on this server.

Configuring Date and Time Variables for the IP Telephony Server

This section provides information on how to configure the timezone, time, and date for an IP Telephony Server. This option can sometimes be used in place of the vcx-config-network --wizard script.

In a VCX system the daylight savings and timezone configuration should only be modified using the vcx-config-network-- wizard tool that is located on the VCX server. Even though it appears the timezone and daylight savings time can be modified using Enterprise Management Suite (EMS), all configurations are not currently supported since you cannot change the daylight savings status (enabled to disabled or vice versa) from the original configuration. Also, not as many timezone options are available in EMS as there are through the


When using the vcx-config-network-- wizard tool, both the Daylight Savings and Timezone preference are configured at the same time.