Upgrading VCX Server Software from 7.0 to 7.1 | 87 |
Upgrading VCX | This section describes the procedures required to upgrade a system |
Server Software | running VCX server software version 7.0 to VCX server software |
from 7.0 to 7.1 | version 7.1.These procedures upgrade the VCX system to an operational |
| state and assumes the VCX system was operational prior to the upgrade |
| occurring. |
| EMS does not allow individual component upgrades without first |
| installing a new version for switchover. However, individual component |
| upgrades can be performed without first installing a new version for |
| switchover through the CLI interface. |
| These instructions can also be used for upgrading from version 7.1x to |
| 7.1y. |
| This section assumes the VCX system is successfully operating at version |
| 7.0.7c before you perform the upgrade. If your system is running an |
| earlier version of VCX 7.0 software (or VCX 6.0 software), you must |
| upgrade to 7.0.7c before upgrading to version 7.1. See Viewing Installed |
| Versions of VCX for instructions on verifying the version of VCX installed |
| on your system. See Upgrading a Multiple Site Configuration from 6.0.x |
| to 7.0 for instructions on upgrading from 6.0 to 7.0. |
This section covers the following configurations and/or components that can be upgraded using EMS:
■Upgrading a Multiple Site Configuration from 7.0 to 7.1
■Upgrading the VCX IP Telephony Software from 7.0 to 7.1
■Installing IP Messaging Software Patch Release
■Installing SIP Phone Downloader and Boot File Software Patch Releases
The components in a