With IP Telephony upgrades, this only unpacks the tar file and creates the relevant directories on the server, it does not switch the running version to the new version.
fTo install the upgrade file to the server, from the VCX data server 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server
gVerify that the upgrade succeeded. To verify that the upgrade succeeded, the VCX data server 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server
hSwitch the software version for the VCX data server. A switchover needs to be performed before the new version takes effect.
iTo switchover the VCX data server software,
You may have to wait a few seconds for the Install Upgrade Images menu to appear.
The server reboots and EMS provides status of the switchover progress.
■If the switchover is successful, you must change the Operational State from degraded to enabled. To do this,
■If the switchover is not successful and you receive the error message Error: failed, vcxUpgradeNewConfigFileNeeded, you must create a new configuration file. To create the new configuration file:
aLog in as root on the VCX server on which the switch failed and enter these commands:
cd /opt/3com/VCX.<NewReleaseInstalled>/conf
bEnter the number that corresponds to the VCX version to which you are upgrading.
cPress the Return key to specify the configuration file from the currently active VCX version.
dWhen prompted for a configuration file name, enter VCXConfiguration.xml.