3M manual Talimatlar Speedglas SL Kaynakçý Baþlýðý Kaynak öncesi, Iþaretler, Dikkat

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Talimatlar Speedglas SL Kaynakçý Baþlýðý

Kaynak öncesi

Speedglas SL’i kullanmadan önce kendi güvenliðiniz açýsýndan bu talimat- larý dikkatle okuyunuz.

Ekipmaný bu el kitapçýðýndaki açýklamalara uygun þekilde monte ediniz. Ekipmanýn montajý Þekil A:1’de verilmiþtir.

Ekipmaný kendi ihtiyaçlarýnýza göre ayarlayýnýz B:1 – B:2.

Kaynak maskesi renk tonu 8-12 önerilen gaz kaynaklarýnda da kullanýlmak üzere dizayn edilmiþtir.

Renk tonu sayfa 185’teki tabloda belirtildiði þekilfde seçilmelidir.

Tüm Speedglas otomatik kararan kaynak maskeleri ark kaynak ve gazlý kesim uygulamalarýnda kullanýlmak üzere tasarlanmýþtýr. Ürün MIG, MAG, TIG, MMA, Plazma Ark, ve Hava Karbonu gibi ark kaynak için uygundur.

Speedglas SL açýk yada kapalý olsun, hatta bataryasý bitmiþ bile olsa Kýzýlötesi ve Morötesi ýþýnlara karþý (12koyuluðunda) sürekli koruma saðlar. Kaynak maskesinde, kaynak arký oluþtuðunda ve maskesinin kararmasýna neden olduðunda baðýmsýz olarak tepki veren iki fotosel bulunur.

Güç kaynaðý olarak iki adet lityum batarya (3 Volt CR2032) kullanýlýr.Speed- glas SL baþlýk otomatik açýlma ve kapanma fonksiyona sahiptir.


Speedglas SL kaynak maskesi her zaman orijinal Speedglas kaynak baþlýðý, iç ve dýþ koruma plakalarý ile kullanýlmalýdýr, ürün kodlarý parça listesinde verilmiþtir. Aksi durumda garanti kapsamýna girmez.


Speedglas SL kaynak baþlýklarý “baþüstü” aðýr iþ kesme/kaynak iþlemi hari- cinde tüm pozisyonlar için mükemmeldir. Speedglas SL kaynak koruyucu plakalarý Lazerli kaynak yada Lazerli kesme uygulamalarý için uygun deðildir. (Örnek: oxiasetilen)


Her ürün üzerinde uygun renk tonu ve aralýðý iþaretlenmiþtir.

Göz ve yüz koruma sýnýflandýrmasý EN 379 EN 166 EN 169 ve EN 175 göre yapýlmýþtýr.


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3M manual Talimatlar Speedglas SL Kaynakçý Baþlýðý Kaynak öncesi, Iþaretler, Dikkat

SL specifications

3M SL, also known as 3M Science of Safety, is an innovative product line that blends advanced materials science with cutting-edge technologies to enhance personal safety and workplace productivity. Designed for various industries, including healthcare, construction, and manufacturing, 3M SL focuses on delivering solutions that prioritize user protection without compromising comfort.

One of the standout features of 3M SL products is their exceptional breathability. Utilizing state-of-the-art filtration technology, 3M SL mask designs allow for optimal airflow while effectively filtering out harmful particles. This is particularly crucial in high-risk environments where prolonged usage is required. The specialized materials used in these masks contribute to a lightweight feel, ensuring that users can wear them for extended periods without discomfort.

Another significant characteristic of 3M SL is its commitment to standard compliance. The products are rigorously tested to meet or exceed rigorous safety standards, such as NIOSH and EN regulations. This compliance not only assures users of their effectiveness in protecting against airborne contaminants but also emphasizes 3M's dedication to maintaining the highest quality assurance levels.

In addition to these features, 3M SL employs innovative technologies, such as the use of advanced electrostatic filters. These filters generate a charged static field that attracts and captures smaller particles more efficiently than traditional filtering methods. This technology enhances protection while reducing breathing resistance, further contributing to user comfort.

3M SL also emphasizes versatility in its product offerings. From surgical masks designed for healthcare professionals to respirators suitable for industrial applications, the range caters to a diverse audience. This adaptability ensures that varying levels of protection and comfort are available to meet the specific needs of different users.

Ergonomic designs play a crucial role in the 3M SL range. With features such as adjustable nose clips and soft inner materials, the products are tailored to fit a variety of face shapes, enhancing both comfort and efficacy. This thoughtful design approach minimizes gaps that could allow unfiltered air to enter, maximizing protection.

Lastly, 3M SL embraces sustainability through responsible material sourcing and manufacturing processes, making it a forward-thinking option in personal protection. By investing in sustainable practices, 3M is not only committed to user safety but also to environmental stewardship.

In conclusion, 3M SL stands out in the crowded market of personal protective equipment by leveraging advanced materials science, innovative technologies, and ergonomic design to deliver superior comfort and safety. The combination of breathability, compliance with safety standards, and versatile applications makes 3M SL a leading choice for anyone seeking reliable protection in challenging environments.