Chapter 2. Installation and Operation
The LOGOUT selection ends the terminal session and logs out of the system. Password entry is required before a new session can begin.
LED Descriptions
The T3SU 300 has LED status indicators for remote access, the network port, and for each individual DTE port. These LEDs are identified as follows:
Remote Active
This LED is solid when a remote configuration session is taking place through a TELNET session or from the remote end T3SU 300. It flashes when the unit is being accessed locally through the front panel Control port.
Network LEDs
In Service
This LED is active when a valid signal is being received on the DS3 interface.
In Test
This LED is active when the network interface has been put in loopback by the service provider.
This LED is active when the DS3 receive signal contains framing errors, the yellow alarm is received from the far end unit, or other alarm messages are received from the network.
This LED is active when no receive signal from the network is detected on the Rx (in) circuit.
This LED indicates the following conditions:
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