Chapter 2 115

Instrument Functions: A - L


Instrument Functions: A - L Frequency (or Time)
Note that this key label changes to Time if XAxisUnitshas been selected. Pressing this key allows you to enter
a value for a limit point in frequency (or time). After entering a value, the limit table is sorted to place the
value in the correct order. For a new point, Amplitude defaults to 0 dBm and Connected defaults to Ye s.Amplitude
then becomes active.
Key Path: Display,Limits,Limit 1,Edit
Display,Limits,Limit 2,Edit
Couplings: Limit-line points are selected according to the X-axis units selected, for example if
frequency is selected as your X-axis units, then the limit points are frequency values. Also,
if both upper and lower limit lines are selected for the trace then both need to be defined
using the same X-axis units.
Units: Hz, s
Factory Preset
and *RST: 300 MHz; 120 Ms
Terminators: Hz, s
Default Terminator: Hz (frequency), s (time)
Knob Increment: 0.2 MHz, 30 Ms
Step Key
Increment: 20MHz,12Ms
Range: 3 kHz to 350 GHz;30 Gs to 30 Gs
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00 Amplitude
Pressing Amplitude allows you to enter the amplitude value for the current limit point. After entering a value,
Connected becomes active. If a front-panel arrow key is pressed without entering a value, the current Amplitude
and Connected values of the point are selected. If the up arrow is pressed, the point number automatically
increments to allow entry of the amplitude of the next point. If it is a new point, the Frequency may also be
entered for the new point.
Key Path: Display,Limits,Limit 1,Edit
Display,Limits,Limit 2,Edit
Factory Preset
and *RST: 0 dBm
Units: dBm
Terminators: dBm
Default Terminator: dBm
Resolution: 0.1 dBm
Knob Increment: 0.1 dBm
Step Key
Increment: 10 dBm
Range: -140 dBm to 100 dBm