Chapter 4 287
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z

4.10 Trig

Displays menu keys that enable you to select the trigger mode of a sweep or measurement.
When in a trigger mode other than Free Run, the analyzer will begin a sweep only with the
proper trigger condition.
In FFT measurements, the trigger controls when the data is acquired for FFT conversion;
see “Making Gated FFT Measurements With Your PSA” on page 74.
Key Path: Front-panel key
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: Free Run
Remote Command:
IMM = Free Run triggering
VID = Video–triggers on the video signal level
LINE = Line–triggers on the power line signal
Ext1 = External Front–enables you to trigger on an externally connected trigger source
Ext2 = External Rear–enables you to trigger on an externally connected trigger source
Remote Command Notes: Other trigger-related commands are found in the INITiate and
ABORt subsystems.

4.10.1 Free Run

Sets the trigger to start a new sweep/measurement as soon as the last one has ended
(continuous sweep mode) or immediately (single sweep mode).
Key Path: Trig
Couplings: Trigger Slope and Delay adjustments are not available with Free Run
Remote Command:
See “Trig” on page 287