122 Chapter 2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Delete All Limits
Deletes the selected limit line. Pressing Delete Limits purges the data from the limit-line
tables. Pressing Delete Limits after the prompt, If you are sure, press key again to
delete, will delete the limits.
Key Path: Display,Limits
Factory Preset
and*RST: Notaffectedbypreset.
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00
Remote Command:
Example: :CALC:LLIN:ALL:DEL deletes all of the data points for limits lines 1 and 2.

2.4.6 Title

Displays menu keys that enable you to change or clear a title on your display.
Key Path: Display Change Title
Allows you to write a title across the top of the display. Press Change Title to access the
Alpha Editor Menus that contain available characters and symbols. You may also use the
numeric keypad to enter numbers. Press Enter or Return to complete the entry. Press ESC to
cancel the entry and preserve your existing title.
The display title will remain until you press Change Title again, or you recall a trace or state,
or a
Factory Preset is performed. A title can also be cleared by pressing Title,Clear Title.
Pressing this key cancels any active function.
Key Path: Display,Title
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Remote Command:
:DISPlay:ANNotation:TITLe:DATA <string>
Example: DISP:ANN:TITL:DATA “This Is My Title”