116 Chapter 2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00 Connected To Previous Pt
A current point may be connected to the previous point by pressing Yes. No limit testing is performed between
disconnected points. Pressing this key when the Connected field is selected toggles the connected value of the
current point and increments the Point number to allow entry or editing of the Frequency of the next point. If
an arrow key is pressed without entering a value, the current Connected value of the point is selected. If an
arrow key is pressed, the Point number automatically increments to allow entry of the Connected value of the
next point. If it is a new point, the Frequency may be entered for the new point
Key Path: Display,Limits,Limit 1,Edit
Display,Limits,Limit 2,Edit
Factory Preset
and *RST: Yes
Default: Yes
Knob Increment: Toggles to other selection.
Step Key
Increment: Toggles to other selection
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00 Delete Point
Deleting the current limit point can be achieved by pressing Delete Point. You will be prompted with the
message If you are sure, press key again to delete.PressingDelete Point again will delete the limit
Key Path: Display,Limits,Limit 1,Edit
Display,Limits,Limit 2,Edit
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00 Delete Limit
Deleting the current limit set can be achieved by pressing Delete. You will be prompted with
the message If you are sure, press key again to delete. Pressing Delete again will
delete the limit set.
Key Path: Display,Limits,Limit 1
Display,Limits,Limit 2
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00
Remote Command: