Chapter 2 163
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
2.6 FREQUENCY / Channel
Displays the menu of frequency functions. Depending on the Frequency entry mode, either
the center frequency or the start and stop frequency values appear below the graticule on
the display. In Center/Span mode, the Center Frequency and Span appear, and the Center Freq
function is automatically activated. In Start/Stop mode, the Start and Stop frequencies
appear, and the Start Freq function is automatically activated.
NOTE Although the analyzer allows entry of frequencies greater than its specified
range, analyzer performance will be degraded if it is used beyond the
specified frequency range.
2.6.1 Center Freq
Activates the function that sets the center of the displayed frequency range to the specified
Annotation: Center <value> appears in the lower left corner of the display.
Couplings: Center frequency and span are coupled to each other.
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset:
Model Center Frequency
E4440A 13.255 GHz
E4443A 3.355 GHz
E4445A 6.605 GHz
E4446A 22.005 GHz
E4448A 25.005 GHz