Chapter 5 389
One-Button Measurement Functions
SPAN X Scale (Complementary Cumulative Distribution FunctionCCDF)
One-Button Measurement Functions

5.12 SPAN X Scale (Complementary Cumulative Distribution


Activates the Span function for the CCDF measurement and displays the menu of span
Key Path: Front-panel key
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Remote Command:
See the Scale/Div command below.

5.12.1 Scale/Div

Allows you to enter a numeric value to change the horizontal display sensitivity by setting
the decibel units per horizontal graticule division.
Key Path: MEASURE,Power Stat CCDF,SPAN X Scale
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: 2.0 dB
Default Terminator: dB
Range: 0.1 to 20.00 dB with 0.01 dB resolution
Remote Command:
Example DISP:PST:XSC 10 dB