What is the bit rate?
Data flow per second denoted by “kbps.” Audio Manager allows you to select a bit rate of 160, 128, 96, 80, or 64 kbps for WMA format encoding and 320, 256, 192, 128, 96, 80, or 64 kbps for MP3 format encoding.
What is a variable bit rate (VBR)?
The variable bit rate (VBR) encoding method allocates fewer bits to silent sections or those with relatively narrow stereo separation, and allocates additional bits to sections that have relatively wide stereo separation. The constant bit rate encoding method uses a consistent bit rate throughout an encoded file. VBR allows smaller encoded file sizes without compromising sound quality. However, VBR is not recommended if you want the MP3 player to report accurate information about the duration of MP3 files, since it is difficult to predict MP3 file size.
What is the CDDB?
A database server that provides information about a music CD in your computer’s
What is SDMI?
The Secure Digital Music Initiative, a forum founded to develop technological specifications for enabling the secure distribution and use of music in digital form, as well as providing copyright protection for artists’ work.
•You can copy a music file as many times as the information encrypted in the file allows.
•You can transfer a music file to up to 3
When a music file is downloaded from an
•You can play a music file stored on a MultiMediaCard if the player unit is the same one that was used to transfer the music file.