Kindle User’s Guide 73
Chapter 6 Accessing the Web
Chapter 6
Accessing the Web
Your Kindle comes with an Experimental application called Web Browser, which is a standard web browser that’s similar to other web browsers you may have used on a computer or another device. It supports JavaScript, SSL, and cookies, but does not support media
To use the web browser, make sure your Kindle is connected to Whispernet.
6.1 Using Web Browser
There are four ways to open Web Browser. The two main ways are to select “launch browser” from the Experimental screen or to follow a link from within your reading material. Many of the blogs that you subscribe to from the Kindle Store have links to websites. Selecting these links will open Web Browser and take you to the URL (web address) associated with the link. If you select “launch browser” from the Experimental page, you will open to the last website you were viewing in your browser.
One other way of accessing Web Browser is to type in a word anytime from Home or any book, blog, newspaper, personal document, or magazine you happen to be reading. When you begin typing, a search box will pop up at the bottom of the screen, and you can use the
You can also enter a URL in the Search box from the Home page. Type the URL and use the
Entering a URL
To enter the URL for a website, navigate to the top of the Browser screen to select the URL text field or press Menu and select “Enter URL.” Begin typing a URL. When you are done typing, use the
The URL text field retains the last URL you entered in case you want to quickly edit the same address and submit it again. If you want to enter a secure site with an “https” address, use
the Delete key to delete the automatically entered “http://” and type the address you want.
To the right of the URL text field there is a button to stop loading or reload the current page. From there, use the