Kindle User’s Guide



To display the list of content on your Kindle, press the Home button. Use the 5-way controller to underline the item you want to open and then press the 5-way to open the item. To delete content on your Kindle, use the 5-way controller to underline the item you want to delete.

Press the left arrow on the 5-way to select “remove from device” and then press the 5-way to complete the removal of the item.

To transfer previously deleted content from Amazon back to your Kindle, the wireless Whispernet service must be on. From Home, select “Archived Items.” This shows all of the content stored at Amazon. Amazon does not store copies of your personal documents, periodical issues older than the past seven issues, MP3, and Audible files, so make your own backup copies of those files. Underline the item you want to move back to your Kindle and press the right arrow on the 5-way to select “add to home” and then press the 5-way to start the transfer. In under a minute, the item re-downloads into your Kindle and appears in the list of content in Home.

Shop Anytime, Anywhere

If you have Whispernet on and you select “Shop in Kindle Store” from any menu, Kindle connects you to a broad offering of reading material including books, newspapers, blogs, and magazines. You can browse by category or check out the latest bestsellers, new and noteworthy items, or your personalized recommendations. You can see details about an item, read customer reviews, and even download free samples of books you are interested in. If you want to buy an item, Kindle uses secure Amazon 1-Click and then Whispernet delivers the item to your Kindle generally in under a minute.

Automatic Delivery

Since Kindle connects to the Whispernet network, we deliver your favorite periodicals over the air to your device as soon as they are published, often before they are even available in print. For example, if you subscribe to the Kindle edition of The New York Times, the latest edition is wirelessly delivered overnight so you can read it each morning. Your favorite periodicals follow you wherever you go, whether you are at home or on the road.

If you have a Kindle model that only uses Wi-Fi to connect to Whispernet, your Kindle must be connected to a Wi-Fi network in order to receive your periodicals when they are published. If no Wi-Fi network is available at your current location, your periodicals will be automatically delivered to your Kindle the next time you connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Just as you would thumb through a physical newspaper or magazine to locate an article of interest, navigation shortcuts let you quickly zero in on an article of interest. By using the right or left button on the 5-way controller, you can advance to the next or previous article. Press the center of the 5-way controller to display the periodical’s section list.

Search Your World

While you are in Home, the Kindle Store, or reading content, you can use your Kindle’s search feature. From the keyboard, begin typing what you’d like to search for and then using the

5-way controller, select the range of your search. If you begin your search while in Home or with open content, you have the option to search for that item in all of your books, newspapers, blogs, personal documents, and annotations. You also have the option to focus your search to the built-in dictionary, the Kindle Store, Wikipedia, Google, and the web.

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Amazon KNDKYBRD3G manual Shop Anytime, Anywhere, Automatic Delivery, Search Your World