Amazon KNDKYBRD3G manual If you are reading a Kindle book, the menu shows the following options


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If you are reading a Kindle book, the menu shows the following options:

Kindle User’s Guide 43

Chapter 3 Reading on Kindle

If you are reading a Kindle book, the menu shows the following options:

Turn Wireless Off — turns off Whispernet. When Whispernet is off, this option will change to “Turn Wireless On.”

Shop in Kindle Store — takes you to the Kindle Storefront.

Buy This Book Now — connects to the Kindle Store, purchases, and downloads the full book to your Kindle. Only appears if you are reading a sample from the Kindle Store.

Go to... — allows you to move to another location in the item you are reading. Choose one of these options:

table of contents — takes you to the table of contents (if available) for the item you are reading. This option is dimmed if a table of contents is not available.

cover — takes you to the cover page of the item you are reading. This is usually the cover of the book.

beginning — takes you to the beginning of the book. This is usually the first chapter, but may be a foreword, the table of contents, or some other location.

end — takes you to the end of the book. From here, you can rate the book, see other recommended books, and share your reading progress with your social networks.

page — enter a page number to jump to in the content, and then select this option.

Press the Symbol key Manual background to enter numbers.

location — enter a location number to jump to in the content, and then select this

option. Press the Symbol key Manual background to enter numbers.

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Amazon KNDKYBRD3G manual If you are reading a Kindle book, the menu shows the following options