

This manual is for designers of system s ba sed on th e A mpro Lit tle Bo ard ™/486e sin g le boa rd
system. This manual contains informa tion that p erm its u ser s to c re ate an embe dde d sy stem
customized to specific requirements. Information include s:
! Hardware requirements
! Programming instructions
! Details for integrating it with other equipment

Technical Support

The Ampro Virtual Technician is available 24 hours a day at, the Ampro
Computers, Inc World Wide Web site. T he A mpro Vir tua l Tec hnic ian is a searc hable d atab ase o f
Frequently Asked Questions. Look here first for your technical solutions.
The Ampro Engineering University is also available at the Web Site. Ampro Engineering
University was created as a resource for embedded system developers to share Ampro's knowledge,
insight, and expertise gained from years of experience. This page contains links to White Papers,
Specifications, and additional technical information.
Ampro technical support is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Pacific Stan dard T ime, Monday
through Friday. When calling for technical support, please have the product and it’s technical
manual available.
USA Technical Support Contact Information
Web Site
Telephone 800-966-5200 (USA), or 408 360-0200
FAX 408 360- 0250
Std Mail Ampro Computers, Incorporated, 4757 Hellyer A venu e, Sa n Jose, CA 9 5138, USA