Little Board™/486e Technical Manual
Utility Software Overview
The Little Board/486e Development Kit provides a number of software utilities on the Ampro
Common Utilities diskette. Some of the programs provided on this diskette are:
FLASHWRI—Flash PROM utility for writing program image s to Flash de vices in by te-w ide
SETUP—A utility used to access the ROM BIOS SETUP function from the DOS command line.
SERLOAD—A serial loader utility for downloading file s fro m a re mote host prior to sy stem boo t.
SERPROG—A utility to program Flash byte-wide devices from a serial port.
TVTERM—A Televideo 900-series terminal emulator.
WATCHDOG—Used to stop, start, or retr igge r the w atch dog time r fun ctio n.
These utilities and others are described in the Amp ro Commo n U tilitie s man ual.