Little Board™/486e Technical Manual
SETUP Page 3—Serial Console Configuration
The ROM BIOS includes a unique set of features that allow full access to the system at any time
over standard RS-232 serial ports. An embedded system can take advantage of these remote access
capabilities using the serial console functions in the following ways:
! Serial console—Use Serial 1 or Serial 2 as a console. Use a serial te rminal to re place the
standard video monitor and keyboard.
! Serial boot loader—Boot from a serial port in much the same manner as booting from a local
hard disk or from a network. This feature is enabled or disabled with the Serial Boot Loader
option on Page 2 of SETUP.
! Serial programming—Automatically update system so ftw are, thro ugh a ser ial p ort . This
feature permits replacing code in a FLASH device ins talled in the by te-wid e socke t.
For more information about these serial console functions, see Serial Console Features, under
Serial Ports.
Figure 2–15 shows the options you can set for the serial console. Since DOS normally initializes the
serial ports during boot, you have the option to remove the serial console port from DOS’s COM
port table. By doing this, the values you set on SETUP screen 4 remain after you boot DOS.

Figure 2–15. SETUP Page 3

Extended Serial Console Configuration
Console Output Device..........Video
Console Input Device...........Keyboard
Serial Console Output Setup
Data Length..................
Stop Bits....................
Delete from Com Port Table...
Console Output Handshake.......
Serial Console Input Setup
Date Length..................
Stop Bits....................
Delete from Com Port Table...