Little Board™/486e Technical Manual
For maximum reliability, keep the cable between the board and the
device it drives to 10 feet or less in length.
Register Bit Definitions
Table 2–21 defines the register bits shown in the Signal Name or Function column of Table 2–19.
Table 2–21. Standard and PS/2 Mode Register Bit Definitions
SignalName Full Name Description
-ERR Error Reflects the status of the -ER ROR input. 0 m eans
an error has occurred.
SLCT Printer selected status Reflects the status of the SLCT input. 1 means a
printer is on-line.
PE Paper end Reflects the status of the PE input . 1 i ndic ates
paper end.
-ACK Acknowledge Reflects the status of the ACK input. 0 indicat es a
printer received a character.
-BUSY Busy Reflects the complement of the BUSY in put. 0
indicates a printer is busy.
STROBE Strobe This bit is inverted and o utput to th e -ST ROB E pin .
AUTOFD Auto feed This bit is inverted and output to the -AUTOFD pin .
-INIT Initiate output This bit is output to th e -INIT p in.
SLC Printer select input This bit is inverted an d out put to the p in. It s elec ts
a printer.
IRQE Interrupt request enable When s et to 1, i nterr upts ar e ena bled . An interr upt
is generated by the positive-going -ACK input.
PCD Parallel contro l dir ectio n When set to 1, port is in input mode. In printer
mode, the printer is always in output mode
regardless of the state of this bit.
PD0-PD7 Parallel Data Bits