Little Board™/486e Technical Manual

Onboard Peripherals

This section describes standard peripherals found on every Little Board/486e CPU.

!Four buffered serial ports with full handshaking:

￿Implemented with 16550-equivalent controllers with built-in 16-byte FIFO buffers

￿Onboard generation of ±9 Volts for RS-232C signal levels

￿Channel two supports either RS-232C (direct connection) or RS-485 Adapter

￿Logged as COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4 by DOS.

!PC-compatible Parallel Port:

￿Superset of standard LPT printer port.

￿Bi-directional data lines

!Floppy Disk Controller:

￿Supports one or two drives

￿Reliable digital phase-locked loop circuit

￿Supports all standard PC/AT formats: 360K, 1.2M, 720K, 1.44M

!IDE Disk Controller:

￿Standard PC-compatible IDE hard disk controller

￿Supports up to two hard disk drives

!PCI Flat Panel/CRT Video Controller

￿Supports CRT, LCD, and EL displays

￿Uses the C&T 65550 High Performance Flat Panel/CRT VGA Controller

￿Onboard display RAM 2M bytes standard

￿Video modes and resolutions, see Table 3–1 and 3–2

￿Supports interlaced or non-interlaced displays in up to 1280 x 1024 resolution modes

￿Supports 24-bit True Color at 800 x 600 VGA resolution

￿GUI accelerator for enhanced performance

￿Video BIOS supports VESA super VGA modes

￿Software programmable flat panel interface. Flat panel video BIOS contained in an onboard Flash EPROM device for easy customization

￿Optional LCD Bias Supply. Circuit board plugs on to connector on the Little Board/486e CPU

￿Supplies 15 V < Vee < 30 V DC, positive or negative polarity, at 30 mA (max)

￿Voltage level (LCD contrast control) adjustable with an onboard or external potentiometer

￿Sequences LCD power supplies to protect display

￿Implements advanced power management functions


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Ampro Corporation 486E manual Onboard Peripherals