audio CDs
electrical safety 4, 154 electromagnetic emissions 153 Empty Trash command (Special
menu) 20
Enter key 180 equipment
arranging 5 handling
erasing disks. See initializing
error message 75,
errors. See troubleshooting Escape key 180
Ethernet card 125, 127, 140,
supported 126 EtherTalk Phase 2 protocol 126 expansion bay 38 expansion cards
communication cards
PCI cards 124,
types of
extended miniplug 44 extensions
incompatible 86, 87 saving 78
turning off before rebuilding desktop 78
Extensions Manager control panel 78, 79 Extensions Manager, starting 183
exterior of computer. See case external microphone. See Apple
PlainTalk Microphone external modem port 11, 38 external speakers
eye fatigue 151
fatigue eye 151 general 153
FDDI network, connecting to 124 file formats for
Eject CD command 69
Open command, keyboard shortcut for 35
Put Away command 69, 94 Quit command 77
backing up
copying from Macintosh Performa CD: Performa Software 59, 120
failure to find 91 file sharing
Finder activating 26, 53
Macintosh Guide and 26, 53 shortcuts for commands in
floppy disk drive location of 38 replacing 67
floppy disks backing up
creating a startup floppy disk 121 DOS 84
ejecting 61, 85, 159