keyboard shortcuts (key combinations)
for Finder tasks
to force an application program to quit 183
to force computer to restart 183 to ignore the selected startup
device 183
to quit application program 77, 179 to rebuild the desktop 183
to restart computer when Restart button cannot be chosen 77
to start the computer from a
to start the Extensions Manager 183 to turn off system extensions 183
Key Caps program
Launcher 14
opening application programs in 59 putting application programs into 60 quitting programs in 93 Service/Support area of 77
level 2 memory cache. See High Performance Module
local area network. See network LocalTalk network, connecting to
124, 125
locking and unlocking mouse
installing DRAM DIMM on
on 174
Look For button in Macintosh Guide 27,
Macintosh desktop. See desktop Macintosh Easy Open control panel
78, 79
Macintosh Guide command (Guide menu) 26
Macintosh Guide (Guide menu)
moving 26 opening 26 overview
searching for specific topics in 27,
tips for using 33
viewing list of topics in
closing 33
Index button 27,
opening 26 returning to 28 Topics button
Macintosh Performa CD: Guided
Tour 113, 117,
Macintosh Performa CD: Performa
checking for damaged disk with 105 copying its files to hard disk 120 Drive Setup program on 83, 105,
initializing hard disk with
starting up from
networks and 126