safety precautions (continued) preventing voltage overload during
lightning storms 12 turning computer off before
connecting equipment 37 when to turn off the computer and pull
the plug 154 saving extensions 78 screen. See also monitor
basic elements on 19 “burn in,” avoiding 156 cleaning 153
dark 15, 80 frozen 75
glare and reflection on 152, 153 height and distance of 152 moving pointer on
screen saver programs 156 scroll arrow on windows 20 SCSI chain
cables for
SCSI devices connecting
SCSI icon 53
SCSI ID numbers 53, 54
SCSI peripheral interface cable 54 SCSI port 38
SCSI system cable 54 security lock port 39
service. See
setting up
adjusting keyboard angle 10 connecting external SCSI devices
connecting the modem
connecting mouse and keyboard
for Finder tasks
to force an application program to quit 183
to force computer to restart 183 to ignore the selected startup
device 183
to quit an application 77, 179 to rebuild the desktop 183
to restart when Restart button cannot be chosen 77
to start the computer from a
to start the Extensions Manager 183 to turn off system extensions 183
Shortcuts command (Guide menu)
Show All command (Application menu) 62
Show Balloons (Guide menu) 34 Shut Down command (Special menu)
21, 22
shutting down the computer
Photo CD images with 74 size box on windows 20
sleep, waking from 21, 80 slots
cache module 127, 166, 174 communication slot 124, 125, 127,
DRAM DIMM slots 127, 166, 167, 172, 173