CD-ROM drive 67–74. See also CD-ROM discs

avoiding damage to 70 cleaning lens on 158 closing 69, 70

discs compatible with 67 ejecting disc from 69–70, 94 illustration of 38 inserting disk into 68–69 Open/Close button for 68, 69, 70 opening tray of 68, 95–96 replacing 67

safety precautions for 158 SCSI ID number for 53 spills on 158 troubleshooting 94–96

Chooser, LocalTalk network and 125 cleaning

CD-ROM discs 97, 157 CD-ROM drive lens 158 computer case 160 keyboard 156

mouse 88, 161–162 screen 153

spills 155, 156 Clear key 179

clock/calendar, troubleshooting 80 close box on windows 20 closing

CD-ROM drive tray 69, 70 computer 145–148, 175 Macintosh Guide 33 windows 20

Command key 179 commands

Eject CD (File menu) 69

Eject Disk (Special menu) 69, 94 Empty Trash (Special menu) 20 Hide Balloons (Guide menu) 34 Hide Finder (Application menu) 62 Hide Others (Application menu) 62

keyboard 183

Macintosh Guide (Guide menu) 26 menus of 20

Open (File menu), shortcut for 35 Put Away (File menu) 69, 94 Quit (File menu) 77

Restart (Special menu) 77 Shortcuts (Guide menu) 35–36 Show All (Application menu) 62 Show Balloons (File menu) 34 Shut Down (Special menu) 21

communication card

compatible vs. incompatible 141 Ethernet card 144–145 installing 140–145

communication slot 124, 127, 141, 142, 143

communications regulation information vii–viii

compact discs. See CD-ROM discs computer equipment. See equipment connecting

Apple PlainTalk microphone 46–48 audio equipment 40–52

cables 155

connector into port 155

to Ethernet network 124, 125–126 external SCSI devices 53–56 keyboard 8–10

modem 10–11 monitor 5–7 mouse 8–10

to a network 123–126

to LocalTalk network 124, 125 power cord 5, 6

SCSI devices 53–56 connectors

audio 44

internal modem 11 plugging into port 155

Control key 180

Index 187

Page 187
Image 187
Apple 6400 appendix Index