Can’t Find It?
See also Macintosh Guide’s onscreen index. Open the Guide (h) menu and choose Macintosh Guide; then click the Index button.
floppy disks
for backup purposes 39 damaged 168, 170
ejecting 33, 148, 168, 170, 219 formatting on a DOS computer for use
in a Macintosh 169 initializing 169 inserting 32
safety instructions for 217 troubleshooting
Apple Extras 19, 29, 37, 38 CD Extras 38
Control Panels 163, 169 Extensions 180
File Sharing 181
Iomega 231, 234 Preferences 145, 181 Previous System Folder 199, 200 System Folder 36, 141, 149, 157,
folder sizes calculation, performance and 173
font files, damaged 177
Foreign File Access extension 163, 165 forums on the Internet 68
Function keys 226
furniture, arranging to prevent discomfort
General Controls control panel 172 GeoPort. See modem port; printer port Get Info command (File menu) 152, 158,
graphics tablet, adding to the computer 100
grave accent (`), typing 228 grounding the computer 3, 215 Guide menu. See also Macintosh Guide
Guide window, moving or shrinking 17, 27
handling equipment, guidelines for
hard disk backing up 231
extending storage with a Zip disk 231 illustration of
testing and repairing
hard disk space required for file sharing 180, 181
hardware handshaking protocol 46 headphones 76, 79, 166
computer use
dealers/service providers; Balloon Help; customer support; error messages; Macintosh Guide; troubleshooting
via the Internet 18, 28
where to find answers to questions x, 16, 26
Hide Balloons command (Guide menu) 18, 28
Hide Others command (Application menu) 35