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See also Macintosh Guide’s onscreen index. Open the Guide (h) menu and choose Macintosh Guide; then click the Index button.
Tab key 226
tape deck, connecting to the computer
TCP/IP control panel 58,
connecting ADB devices 100 connecting additional equipment 71 expansion card power
requirements 104 external SCSI interface 93 memory upgrades 107 monitor support 4
telephone cables 51
telephone line, connecting the computer to
television, using as a monitor
interference with viii, 99, 216 temperature limits
for floppy disks 217 for Zip disks 235
thick coaxial cable 53, 56 thin coaxial cable
thin coaxial Ethernet network, connecting to
thin coaxial transceiver 53, 55
title bar 21
Token Ring networks 49 Tools application 231, 234 Topics button, Macintosh Guide 17,
19, 27
training, Macintosh Tutorial
transceivers, Ethernet 53, 54, 55, 56 Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol. See TCP/IP
deleting locked files in 158 emptying 22
techniques; error messages Apple System Profiler and
audio CDs don’t play correctly 166 blinking icons in menu bar 177, 178 blinking question mark 146, 191, 192 “bomb” message on screen 139,
clock keeps time inaccurately 176 computer freezes
154, 167
computer makes unusual sounds
computer won’t restart 151 deleting files 158
desktop looks different when you start up 150, 162
displaying system information
documents, working with
startup 151
floppy disk/drive problems 147,
font files, damaged 177 hard disk problems 150, 171,