with blinking icons in the menu bar 177
blinking question mark 146, 191, 192 “bomb” message 139,
font file problems 177 ID numbers for 138 “not enough memory” 152 printing problems 179
requesting to insert a disk after you’ve ejected it 160, 170
responding to 138
“This disk is damaged: Do you want to initialize it?” 169
“This is not a Macintosh disk: Do you want to initialize it?” 163, 169
Escape key 226
Ethernet media adapters 53,
expansion card cover closing 122 opening 113
expansion cards
alternative networks and 49 installing
for a second monitor 99 expansion slots
access covers for
extended miniplug connectors 77 Extension Information command (Select
menu in Apple System Profiler) 141
extensions. See system extensions Extensions folder 180
Extensions Manager control panel. See also system extensions
saving current extensions when rebuilding the desktop 204
typing produces nothing on screen 174, 175
external SCSI terminators 96
eye fatigue from computer use 209, 211, 213
fatigue from computer use 209, 211, 213 feet on keyboard, lowering 9
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks 49
file compression programs 177 File menu
Get Info command 152, 158, 179 Open command 34
Put Away command 33, 160, 161, 170, 219, 233
Quit command 160, 170 files. See also documents
accessing ISO 9660– and High
backing up 39 deleting 158
downloading from the Internet 68 on Photo CDs, troubleshooting 167
file sharing
hard disk space requirements for 180, 181
troubleshooting 158,
File Sharing Monitor control panel 180 Finder 17, 27, 37
floppy disk drive