Can’t Find It?
See also Macintosh Guide’s onscreen index. Open the Guide (h) menu and choose Macintosh Guide; then click the Index button.
joystick, adding to the computer 100
keyboard. See also Power key checking connections 173, 174 connecting
special keys on
Keyboard control panel 172 keyboard tray 212
Key Caps program
line splitters, modems and 47
liquid spills on the equipment 214, 215, 216, 218, 219
LocalTalk adapter and cable
locking cables 101
locking levers on top chassis 123 locking/unlocking the mouse
on 105
19, 27
Macintosh Easy Open 204 Macintosh Guide (onscreen help)
overview x, xi, 16, 26
for troubleshooting help 140 using 17, 19, 27
Macintosh Tutorial (onscreen training)
Mac OS. See system software
Mac OS Guide. See Macintosh Guide memory
AppleTalk and 60, 64 cache module configuration
specifications 107 changing allocation of 152 DRAM configuration
specifications 106 installing 103,
printing and 179 RAM disk 153, 172 troubleshooting
159, 167
used by system software additions 38 virtual memory 36, 153, 172 VRAM configuration
specifications 107
VRAM requirements for using a TV
and monitor together 92 Memory control panel 153, 159, 172 memory interleaving 106 memory slots 105,
menu bar
blinking icons in, troubleshooting 177, 178
defined 20
menu blinking, performance and 172 menus, opening 20
microphone 2, 72,