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umlaut (¨), typing 228 unlocking floppy disks 158, 168 unlocking/locking the mouse
cables 108
the computer 4, 214
updating the hard disk 194, 197, 202 upgrading system software 192 Usenet newsgroups 68
User Mode command (AppleTalk control panel) 60, 64
Users & Groups data file 181
connecting for input to the computer
connecting for output from the computer
ventilation around computer components 4, 215
ventilation openings on the computer and monitors 99, 216
video camera, connecting for input to the computer
video card 99
videocassette recorder. See VCR video conferencing software 38, 153 video equipment, connecting to the
videotape, recording computer output on
Views control panel 173 virtual memory 36, 153, 172 virus protection programs 32 volume for audio equipment,
adjusting 80
Volume Information command (Select menu in Apple System Profiler) 141
VRAM configurations of 107 installing
monitor together 92
VRAM slots 105, 127
W, X, Y
waking the computer 14, 144 warranty on the computer 103, 143 Web pages. See World Wide Web wetness or moisture, computer exposure
to 214, 215, 219 windows
hiding and showing 35, 159 working with 21
Windows/DOS documents or disks, working with 158, 169
work space, arranging to prevent discomfort
World Wide Web accessing 67
getting help from 18, 28 modem speed and 46
Zip disks
handling guidelines 232, 233, 235 inserting/ejecting
Zip drive illustration of
zones. See network zones zoom box 21
zooming the Guide window 17, 27