ÂMake sure that the computer has joined the AirPort network created by your wireless device.
ÂRestart your computer. This renews the IP address you receive from the wireless device. The IP addresses should be in the range of to, to, or to depending on the address scheme the device uses.
ÂIf the device is set up as a DHCP server, make sure the “Obtain an IP address automatically” checkbox is selected in the General pane of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.
More Information About AirPort
You can find more information about AirPort in the following locations:
ÂAirPort Utility Help
Look in AirPort Utility Help for information on setting up an AirPort Extreme network; using an AirPort Extreme Base Station, an AirPort Express, or a Time Capsule; editing settings; avoiding sources of interference; locating additional information on the Internet; and more. On a computer using Mac OS X, open AirPort Utility and choose Help > AirPort Utility Help. On a computer using Windows, open AirPort Utility and click Help.
ÂWorld Wide Web
Apple AirPort website at www.apple.com/airportextreme Apple Support website at www.apple.com/support/airport