KVM Over the NET™ User Manual


Filter allows you to control the number and type of ports that display in the Sidebar Tree, as well as which ports get scanned when Auto Scan and Array Mode is invoked (see Scan and Array, above). When you click Filter, the bottom of the panel changes to look similar to the figure, below:

The meanings of the choices are explained in the table, below:






This is the default view. With no other filter options selected,


all of the ports that are accessible to the user are listed in the


Sidebar tree.


If any Favorites have been specified (see page 94), you can


drop down the list box and select Favorites instead of All. If


you select Favorites, only the items you have selected as


Favorites display in the tree.



Powered On

If you enable Powered On (by putting a check in the


checkbox) only the ports that have their attached devices


powered on display in the tree.




If you key in a search string and click Search, only port names


that match the search string display in the tree. Wildcards (?


and *) are acceptable, so that more than one port can show up


in the list. For example, if you key in Web*, both Web Server 1


and Web Server 2 show up in the list.




Clicking Exit closes the filter dialog.