KVM Over the NET™ User Manual
View Log indicates the users who have permission to view the log files. A check mark ( √ ) indicates that the user has permission to view the files; an X means that the user is denied permission to view them. Click the icon to toggle permission.
The panels at the bottom of the page are inactive except for the Timeout field. This field sets a time threshold for users on ports whose Access Mode has been set to Occupy. See Timeout, page 87, for details.
Port Level
If a port is chosen in the Sidebar Tree, the Main panel looks similar to the one shown below:
Name lists all the users and groups that have been created.
Access displays the access rights of the users and groups for each port, as shown in the table below.
Full Access: The user can view the remote screen and can perform operations on the remote server from his keyboard and monitor.
View Only: The user can only view the remote screen; he cannot perform any operations on it.
No Access: No port access. The Port will not show up on the User's list on the Main Screen.