Chapter 4: Media server configuration
3.Select Configure individual services and click Continue.
4.On the menu on the left, click Set Modem Interface.
5.Select Change Modem Setting and click Continue.
6.In the Extra Modem Initialization Commands window, type the initialization commands that are appropriate for your modem and the country of operation. Click Help for help on what to enter.
For example, to change the country code to Japan, type AT%T19,0,10.
7.Click Change.
The system displays a message that indicates that a modem route was added successfully.
8.Click Close Window.
Enabling firewall settings
For the media server to receive SNMP traps from the UPS and the Avaya Ethernet switch, you must enable the snmptrap,162/udp port. The default is disabled.
1.From the Maintenance Web Interface, under Security, click Firewall.
2.Scroll down to the snmptrap 162/udp row and select (check) the Input to Server box. The Output to Server box can be left as is, either checked or clear.
3.Click Submit.
Enabling network time servers
! Important:
Avaya strongly recommends that you enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) and configure at least one network time server. If a network time server is not used the Date/Time settings on the media server must be reset regularly, at least monthly, using the Maintenance Web Interface. The network time strategy is determined by the network administrator.
44 Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8500 Media Server | February 2007 |