34 Remote Control Panel User’s Guide ● Rev 00
Working with the RCP-120
When using the RCP-120 to control Aux Outputs, the panel will go through different stages
during setup as it becomes ready to use. The following illustrations show these stages
during a typical configuration session.
1. Before power is applied.
2. After power is first applied and a connection has not yet been established or the
connection between the RCP-120 and FSN Controller is lost.
3. A connection between the RCP-120 and FSN Controller is established; however the panel
has yet to be assigned to an Aux Output.
4. A connection between the RCP-120 and FSN Controller is established and the panel has
been assigned to an Aux Output defined as “Standard”. The text in buttons 1 – 10 are
for illustrative purposes only.
5. A connection between the RCP-120 and FSN Controller is established and the panel has
been assigned to an Aux Output defined as one of the following mixer types, “Mixer”,
“Mixer – PGM” or “PGM/PVW”. The text in buttons 1 – 10 are for illustrative purposes