Subparameter Description
-o <output_filename> This subparameter specifies the file that stores output information.
-password <password> This subparameter specifies the password that the administrator uses to authenticate
with the BlackBerry® Administration Service.
-username <user_name> This subparameter specifies the authentication user name for the BlackBerry
Administration Service.
-v <level> This subparameter provides detailed or verbose feedback for the options that you used,
depending on the level set. In order of increasing information displayed, the <level> can
be one of the following types:
TRACE: This level shows all method entries, arguments, return values, and exits, as
well as messages of earlier levels.
DEBUG: This level displays messages about logical blocks within methods, as well
as messages of earlier levels.
INFO: This level displays normal feedback messages to the user, as well as messages
of earlier levels.
WARNING This level displays exception messages, as well as messages of earlier
ERROR: This level is not currently used.
FATAL: This level is not currently used.
You can also set the log level by typing the line in the file using the
following format:
The value is one of the words TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL, with the
same meanings as the <level> for this command.
Administration Guide Input, output, and user feedback parameters