Selecting the language for the DVD menu

You can preselect the preferred lan- guage for the menus of the DVD. If the selected language for menus is avail- able on the DVD, the menus of the DVD are displayed in the preset lan- guage.

The setting of the language for the DVD menu is performed in the ÒDisc MenuÓ menu item.

Parental control

You can secure the device against un- authorised use by assigning a pass- word. In addition, you can specify a rating level.

Rating level means that some DVDs are equipped with a code that de- fines the age-appropriate release.

If you set a rating level that is lower than the one found on the inserted DVD, it can be played only after entering the password.


Not all DVDs support the Rating Level function.

In the menu you can define which mov- ies can be played. These ratings follow the recommendations of the Motion Picture Association ofAmerica (MPAA).

The following options can be selected:

1 KID SAF: Approved for children

2 G: Approved for children

3PG: Accompanying adult during play- back is suggested.

4 PG 13: Accompanying adult is sug- gested, not suitable for children under the age of 13.

5 PG-R: Only for adolescents accom- panied by an adult. Prohibited for chil- dren, contents includes violence, ob- scene language, etc.

6 R: Prohibited for adolescents, con- tents includes violence, obscene lan- guage, etc.

7 NC 17: Contents not suitable for ad- olescents under the age of 17.

8ADULT: Contents for adults only: Vi- olence, sex, etc.


Some blocked DVDs can be re- leased directly at the start with YES (ENTER) and the password. Others require you to change the rating level in the setup before the playback of the DVD. This action is dependent upon the DVD.

If you activated password protec- tion, the age-appropriate release can only be changed after enter- ing the password. For further de- tails, please read the section ÒActi- vating/deactivating password pro- tectionÓ.

The setting for the parental control can be performed in the ÒParentalÓ menu item.



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