MIC412TI and MIC412TF Camera Installation and Operation Manual

General Settings

Pan Reverse

This will invert the pan rotation of the MIC compared to the commands from the controller. This would be used if a MIC was inverted to regain logical control.

Tilt Reverse

This will invert the tilt rotation of the MIC compared to the commands from the controller.

Image Flip

This manually inverts the image from the camera module, which may be used on an inverted camera where the head cannot be rotated through 180 degrees. Inverting the image would normally also require some modification of the control directions.

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Wash Wipe

If Wash Wipe is On then, when the Wash auxiliary is set the MIC will return to a preset Wash Position activate the washer relay in the PSU and turn on the wiper. When the auxiliary is turned off again, the MIC will return to its prior position and turn the wiper off. If Wash Wipe is Off then when the aux is activated the MIC will simply close the washer relay and remain in its current position.

Auto Alarm

This is used for both single or multi alarm functionality. With Auto Alarm on and Multi Alarm off, the MIC will monitor the tamper switch line, moving to the programmable Alarm Position when the connection is grounded. If Auto Alarm is turned off the MIC will ignore any change in status of the tamper line.

Multi Alarm

With this the user can setup a separate position for each of the 8 alarm inputs. Any given alarm input will trigger the MIC to move to the position with which it is associated. To get this functionality working both Auto Alarm and Multi Alarm should be turned on.

Photocell IR

This mode enables the user to attach an external photocell to the power supply to control the IR lamps. The device is connected to alarm input 4, meaning that when the light levels drop sufficiently alarm 4 is triggered, and instead of moving the MIC detects this as an activation signal for the lamps. When the light levels pick up again, the alarm will deactivate and the lamps will be turned off. This mode can enable the user to hide the sensor away from any large external lighting which may cause the camera to flick in and out of IR mode under Auto conditions.

Camera Power

This can be used to turn the camera module inside the MIC off as required.

Digital Zoom

This is an override for the Digital Zoom Auxiliary, meaning that if On this will allow digital zoom to be controlled by the aux state, but if off, will never allow digital zoom no matter what the state of the aux.

Bosch Security Systems

Issue 8

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Bosch Appliances MIC412 operation manual General Settings